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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2014
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I'm sorry for doing this... Live and learn. Keep looking at the bright side of life!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!
So here's the thing. I don't have a single story about bad guests to share. I can imagine this will drive some of my innmates crazy, but I know that, for me- and my husband, this is not the right way to approach what we do.
When I read your story, the only thing I could think of was all the things you should be doing to stop this type of situation from EVER occurring. I honestly can not imagine how you allowed it. Forgive me, but nothing good will come from a thread that seeks to uncover the worst.
We have several but I'm not gonna share - I'm saving them for my future book. I believe the title may be "Drunks in the hammock … and other funny innkeeping stories!"
So here's the thing. I don't have a single story about bad guests to share. I can imagine this will drive some of my innmates crazy, but I know that, for me- and my husband, this is not the right way to approach what we do.
When I read your story, the only thing I could think of was all the things you should be doing to stop this type of situation from EVER occurring. I honestly can not imagine how you allowed it. Forgive me, but nothing good will come from a thread that seeks to uncover the worst..
I'm sorry! Thank you for your rebuke. I didn't see it from that light when I started this thread, but now I do. We learned a lot that weekend on what not to do. This is why we need each other! Thank you for speaking up!!!!!
So here's the thing. I don't have a single story about bad guests to share. I can imagine this will drive some of my innmates crazy, but I know that, for me- and my husband, this is not the right way to approach what we do.
When I read your story, the only thing I could think of was all the things you should be doing to stop this type of situation from EVER occurring. I honestly can not imagine how you allowed it. Forgive me, but nothing good will come from a thread that seeks to uncover the worst..
I'm sorry! Thank you for your rebuke. I didn't see it from that light when I started this thread, but now I do. We learned a lot that weekend on what not to do. This is why we need each other! Thank you for speaking up!!!!!
Duff2014 said:
We learned a lot that weekend on what not to do. This is why we need each other!
We have made many mistakes over the years. The secret has always been to recognize them, treat the symptoms, and then find the cause and eliminate it. We just changed our cancellation policies and went through all the scenarios that could result from our changes. Although we hope we got it right, it wouldn't be surprising if something pops up later.
Although I am mostly matter of fact on the forum, with the occasional bad pun, I have learned a lot from what others have done to solve a situation or improve a weak spot. It has been invaluable. Recent example- MS talking about negotiating with you know who- I sat up and took notes. It also forced me to move up our decision to drop another marketing stream that has underperformed. These are real differences that others make.
I hope my comments don't put you off in being active on the forum. I didn't intend a rebuke, just a redirection.
So here's the thing. I don't have a single story about bad guests to share. I can imagine this will drive some of my innmates crazy, but I know that, for me- and my husband, this is not the right way to approach what we do.
When I read your story, the only thing I could think of was all the things you should be doing to stop this type of situation from EVER occurring. I honestly can not imagine how you allowed it. Forgive me, but nothing good will come from a thread that seeks to uncover the worst..
I'm sorry! Thank you for your rebuke. I didn't see it from that light when I started this thread, but now I do. We learned a lot that weekend on what not to do. This is why we need each other! Thank you for speaking up!!!!!
Duff2014 said:
We learned a lot that weekend on what not to do. This is why we need each other!
We have made many mistakes over the years. The secret has always been to recognize them, treat the symptoms, and then find the cause and eliminate it. We just changed our cancellation policies and went through all the scenarios that could result from our changes. Although we hope we got it right, it wouldn't be surprising if something pops up later.
Although I am mostly matter of fact on the forum, with the occasional bad pun, I have learned a lot from what others have done to solve a situation or improve a weak spot. It has been invaluable. Recent example- MS talking about negotiating with you know who- I sat up and took notes. It also forced me to move up our decision to drop another marketing stream that has underperformed. These are real differences that others make.
I hope my comments don't put you off in being active on the forum. I didn't intend a rebuke, just a redirection.
I hope my comments don't put you off in being active on the forum. I didn't intend a rebuke, just a redirection.
No, I'm fine! I need redirection since I'm a newbie! I have been busy today with chores, making homemade granola and muffins!