You obviously don't have a clue

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Does that line really work when you're trying to sell something? Does the person who says that think by insulting a business owner that owner will fall all over herself to hire him?
I'm trying to picture me saying that to a guest who calls for info. 'You obviously don't have a clue so let me tell you where you've gone wrong.'
It irritates me so much I've blocked the whole domain the email was sent from.
I can't imagine somebody being that dumb, but yes, they are out there. What on earth are they doing in sales when they have so little grasp on what turns buyers completely off.
Take comfort in knowing that person won't be employed at that company much longer, because their sales numbers will be dismal.
Or what I hate even more, is when the sales person on the other end uses expletives.
Had a CC provider call to tell me how wonderful they were and I had two fellas on the line asking me questions about my current providers' charges and when I couldn't find what they were looking for fast enough, they started talking amongst themselves like I wasn't even on the line. They probably should have hit the mute button.
I guess I'm missing out on this fun because I refuse to talk to sales people on the phone. Every time I talk to a salesperson, it costs me $300 in merchandise I really don't want, because I can't say no to them. Better for me to avoid them in the first place!
We were in a Sears store once when a sales guy tried to tell DH that we 'must' purchase a $150 surge protector along with the $138 flat screen tv (sale price) or he 'wouldn't sell the tv' to us. WHAT? DH is in commercial a/v sales and knows better. He told the guy he was full of &%it and insisted on another sales person.
We were in a Sears store once when a sales guy tried to tell DH that we 'must' purchase a $150 surge protector along with the $138 flat screen tv (sale price) or he 'wouldn't sell the tv' to us. WHAT? DH is in commercial a/v sales and knows better. He told the guy he was full of &%it and insisted on another sales person..
Aussie Innkeeper said:
We were in a Sears store once when a sales guy tried to tell DH that we 'must' purchase a $150 surge protector along with the $138 flat screen tv (sale price) or he 'wouldn't sell the tv' to us. WHAT? ...insisted on another sales person.
Sadly, he probably comes out ahead with his high pressure method, making more money from the uninformed than he loses by running off the informed.
Most people don't know any better and take the advice of the "expert". We have all heard of mechanics, and other professionals, who have taken advantage of people's ignorance on technical subjects. I won't go so far as to say they should be shot, but people should certainly spread the word about what they're up to.
They obviously don't have a clue what doesn't sell something to you...
And why why why does anyone think I would borrow money because of a telemarketer's spiel?