Seth Gives Advice - Applicable to Bad Reviews

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
This is applicable to the how do I answer questions - per Seth Go din:
He deserves it, but do you?
He's a jerk, a two-timer, a double-crosser. He deserves everything you throw at him, your cutting remarks, your sarcasm, your enmity.
You're totally justified in spending a lot of time and energy in evening the score. You are the avenger.
The thing is, it's not clear that we benefit from carrying around all that vitriol. All the time we spend hating is time that we've given away to someone who hasn't earned our time. It's time we're being controlled by someone we don't like or respect very much.
Teaching someone a lesson is often overrated. Doing the lesson teaching in your head helps no one.
What happens if we walk away and make something magical instead?
You deserve it.
It would be so nice if folks would share problems directly rather than post a negative review, but then we should learn from those reviews. I think I've gotten a few that were a bit harsh, but I did learn from them. I suppose folks are so used to large companies where the face they meet has no authority or doesn't care that they don't understand that the little guy is often willing and able to solve the problems.
Thanks for the reminder! A bunch of new people commented on my aunt's response to a two star review. She thanked him for his review and talked about the positive and then told him she was so jealous of all the wonderful high end places he stayed at all over the world.... so no wonder "our inn" didn't come up to your expectations. But it did take her two months or so to write it.
Thanks for the reminder! A bunch of new people commented on my aunt's response to a two star review. She thanked him for his review and talked about the positive and then told him she was so jealous of all the wonderful high end places he stayed at all over the world.... so no wonder "our inn" didn't come up to your expectations. But it did take her two months or so to write it..
Lee2014 said:
Thanks for the reminder! A bunch of new people commented on my aunt's response to a two star review. She thanked him for his review and talked about the positive and then told him she was so jealous of all the wonderful high end places he stayed at all over the world.... so no wonder "our inn" didn't come up to your expectations. But it did take her two months or so to write it.
I wonder why those high end world travelers bother to stay with us. Such a letdown.
Thanks for the reminder! A bunch of new people commented on my aunt's response to a two star review. She thanked him for his review and talked about the positive and then told him she was so jealous of all the wonderful high end places he stayed at all over the world.... so no wonder "our inn" didn't come up to your expectations. But it did take her two months or so to write it..
I had a world traveler give us a 4* review. While it was not a bad review (we have almost all 5* reviews on TA) but we need all the good reviews we can get to compete with the volume of reviews generated by the larger inns in town. I wrote much the same thing as your aunt and called the review "high praise" from a worldly traveler staying in some of the most exotic locations on earth. There have been several comments from other guests who read that review and response and booked us so apparently no damage was done.