Sunday in Shinnston in August

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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It is Frontier Days time in Shinnston.This year they started arriving earlier than usual. Wednesday is opening day thru Saturday. Across the alley at my kitchen they are setting up the kiddie rides The photo is the view from myfrontporch-by Wednesday it will be filled with rides and games and vendors. From 6 to10 W - T and 6to11 Fri with Saturday the jackpot of 1 to11. Think several rides of music in a loop plus the games and the crowd. My front wall becomes a bench and so do my steps. Oh, the entertainment stage is one block away and add in the siren on top of the Fire Dept (aimed directly at my house) every time they get a call. We are a quiet, romantic B & B in a small city .......The shadow is my house.
Excellent location. Hope the celebration draws some visitors who need a comfortable bed and a great breakfast!
You're better than me, Kathleen. You can sit on my wall but on my front steps? I'd probably get all cranky pants and plunk myself on my steps with a frozen margarita ... You ain't staying? You ain't sitting. haha
Unless, of course, you bring a snack or more margaritas.
Are there fireworks?!
Hope you're full!
This is a week I can just about guarantee being empty. They have to park at City Hall and with fides on 2 sides plus crowds, they pass. I was supposed to begiving a free room to the wood carver for the City. He called last night to tell me he is not coming.
Ah, the price to pay to be in the hub...of everything! Quiet will be back next week.
Your neighbors were up here this weekend. They gave me an article from the local newspaper about your B&B. Keep up the good work and hum to the kiddie's ride's music.
Ah, the price to pay to be in the hub...of everything! Quiet will be back next week.
Your neighbors were up here this weekend. They gave me an article from the local newspaper about your B&B. Keep up the good work and hum to the kiddie's ride's music..
Great. I am going to assume it was the supplement our Development Authority does every year. The ads pay for it.
This is a week I can just about guarantee being empty. They have to park at City Hall and with fides on 2 sides plus crowds, they pass. I was supposed to begiving a free room to the wood carver for the City. He called last night to tell me he is not coming..
Oh, too bad about the wood carver!
Ah, the price to pay to be in the hub...of everything! Quiet will be back next week.
Your neighbors were up here this weekend. They gave me an article from the local newspaper about your B&B. Keep up the good work and hum to the kiddie's ride's music..
Great. I am going to assume it was the supplement our Development Authority does every year. The ads pay for it.
It was about your elopement package. My favorite sentence. "He arrived with his girlfriend and left with his wife."
Ah, the price to pay to be in the hub...of everything! Quiet will be back next week.
Your neighbors were up here this weekend. They gave me an article from the local newspaper about your B&B. Keep up the good work and hum to the kiddie's ride's music..
Great. I am going to assume it was the supplement our Development Authority does every year. The ads pay for it.
It was about your elopement package. My favorite sentence. "He arrived with his girlfriend and left with his wife."