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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
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Has anyone ever registered other domains and created websites that point to them? Like for example BestMaineBedandBreakfast.whatever and basically put up a one page website that advertises your website and then links to you. Add extra SEO? Bring in clicks? Effective? Anyone know?
I own a bunch of sites for my town. Never did anything with them. It was more to keep them from being taken. It wasn’t my idea, but I inherited the domains.
I also own elopeinwestvirginia.com and my webmaster made it part of my website although it has its own name and can be serached on. It brings to my webpage. My son set up a page with Himself's paintings and I think I have a link to it on my site.
We have a lot (probably too many). All but spa-vt.com point to our site or particular pages on our site. Among them:
  • jaypeaklodging.com
  • jaypeakaccommodations.com
  • elope2vermont.com
  • spa-vt.com (our new main spa page)
  • vermont-spa.com
  • truvermontweddings.com
We used to carry more, including some for those who mistyped phineas swann.com, but I gave those up figuring if they mistyped it they'd figure it out, or more likely they'd just google us to being with.
We have one other domain, was originally for our lodging association. When the association faded into the night I kept the domain and pointed it to my site thinking maybe one day I would do something more with the site, that day may never arrive.
There is/was a local internet designer/promoter who had a goodly number of local sites with attractive tourist type names, I bought into the idea for a time, but didn't feel there were many results from being a part of them
I'm going to confess that when a competitor went out of business in 2015 and let their domain name expire, I grabbed it and forwarded it to my site for about 2 years. After the traffic finally died down from it, I let it expire.
I'm going to confess that when a competitor went out of business in 2015 and let their domain name expire, I grabbed it and forwarded it to my site for about 2 years. After the traffic finally died down from it, I let it expire..
Shrewd business decision ...
Yes. My uncle wanted a certain domain name for the family inn long ago so when I saw it expired, I snag it.
I once had a dream that boo king let their domain name expire by accident and I saw it... I still smile at that one.