AG vs Sharks - TRUCE TIME!!!

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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OK!! It is time to start over. It is no fun when everyone is LOOKING for the pushed in nose. TRUCE!!
It is time for both sides to take a deep breath and get to know each other.
AG, I think several people have off-line held out the hand of friendship and tried to explain the initial reaction. In my not very himble opinion, it is time for you to take the time to get to know us as people. We each, in our former lives held quite responsible positions - some even "high power" and others just key positions but important to the companies we worked for. Many raised a family while doing that or are raising a family right now. Trust me - THAT in itself is (OK for me it was anyway) grieling.
"Sharks" (and I guess I am one) - we were justifiably distrustful in the beginning, but perhaps have not been as willing to "overlook" things that we could have and/or been a bit ready to take offense - perhaps where none was intended.
Everyone - we all have life experiences and contributions which is why we are here.
Lets try to do a "DO OVER".
I second that motion.
I cringe every time I start reading some of these threads.
gillumhouse said:
Everyone - we all have life experiences and contributions which is why we are here.
Yes... all of us have valuable contributions to make and deserve respect. Even the non-innkeepers!
And all of us should be respectful in our turn.
Won't get it if you can't give it. Can't give it if you won't get it.
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
AG, how fortunate you are for Bree to do something so wonderful. I would almost walk on hot coals to get a writer to include my inn in an article and Bree gave it to you on a platter. Would love to be so lucky to have such a friendly gesture.
Ok, she told me not to tell you but she DID make me walk on hot coals as well as to promise her my first-born
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
agoodman said:
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I don't understand this. Reinstated what position? You owe Bree a ton of gratitude, not name calling.
ag said:
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
What you need to remember is that there are a lot of other people here who are "old in everything else," too! They may have been a little harsh when you first arrived, but they deserve your respect, too. People don't like being called sharks. It causes them to bristle. The point of Gillum calling a truce was that apologies are owed on both sides, not just the "sharks" to you, but you to them as well.
You may be a huge sharer, and that's fine, but remember to give respect. Many come on here to comment and vent, not to seek advice. And even when someone comes on and specifically says, "What should I do?" it's best to answer something like, "I'd do such-and-such, but it's up to you." Everyone here has a different inn, and different circumstances. No one likes to be told "I never have that problem, it must be your own fault." (As several posters have a tendency to do, actually.) I've never had a bunch of the problems I read about... partly because I read about the situations here and try to take steps to avoid them, but mostly because I'm simply too new... my day will come!!!
Most of us are "old" in many things... there are many competent folks here who do not appreciate the implication that you, with your wealth of experience, have priceless advice to dispense to them. The reality is that ALL posters on this forum have a wealth of experience and advice to share, and ALL posters on this forum deserve at least basic respect.
Calling people "sharks" is not respect.
Now, Gillum's calling a truce, and I'm backing her up. What's past is past... no bringing it up, no calling people sharks, no "reinstating" (whatever that's supposed to mean). Try to remember that the people you are "advising" are also highly experienced, highly competent individuals who think very highly of their own way of doing things... as well they ought considering how many years they've been operating (many of them with many rooms and little or no help).
You've had some apologies... that's actually pretty unusual. Generally we "tells it like it is." If you don't like us, oh well. We're not here to win popularity contests, but to deal with the nitty gritty day-in-and-day-out realities of innkeeping.
I think you belong here... it's just that some people kind of ease their way in while you kind of jumped in and made a big splash. OK, you're here now.
Again... truce. Let's get back to the business of running our businesses.
wow, the word truce was buried after a long tirade. I am still confused where I disrespected anybody - please let me know so I can correct that.
Bree joked with me and said now everybody would think she was a softie, which is why I said her position was reinstated (ie no one would think she was a softie) - why are you slamming me? This was a personal joke between me and her! And trust me, I have thanked her both publicly and privately.
As for me saying "I never had that problem (1) I never have that problem (should I have said I did??) and (2) did you perhaps noticed that I offered some helpful advice after? Did I EVER say it was anyone's "fault??"PLEASE PLEASE do not quote me out of context. That is extremely unfair.
Again Gillumhouse, thanks for starting this thread. I would be delighted to talk to anyone one on one should they wish to.
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
agoodman said:
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist.
When did Bree ever bite your head off? That's just not like her... and I don't recall her doing so. You may owe an apology here.
Sharing information with a journalist is much more like her. You did say thank you, right?
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
Ok so you have hotel experience. I do too, and my husband has managed restaurants for years, but don't bother to tout it as if I'm the only person with it on the forum. I'm not interested in anyone's hotel experience. I'm interested in what's going on now in everyone's B&Bs.
Hotel experience is not the same as running a B&B anyway. The hotel attitude towards their guests was what turned me away from them to run my own place.
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
Ok so you have hotel experience. I do too, and my husband has managed restaurants for years, but don't bother to tout it as if I'm the only person with it on the forum. I'm not interested in anyone's hotel experience. I'm interested in what's going on now in everyone's B&Bs.
Hotel experience is not the same as running a B&B anyway. The hotel attitude towards their guests was what turned me away from them to run my own place.
Rikki I was not "touting it", I was "introducing myself" as I had been slammed for not doing. So please read all the other posts and why this forum came about and why I wrote that reply before jumping down my throat.
Maybe it did not work for you, but I can tell you that many of my guests have commented that they have felt that many (I am not saying all!!) of the Inns that they had stayed at where the Innkeepers had hotel experience, that they did see a difference
I can tell you that my Ritz Carlton experience, just from a customer service point of view, was invaluable. Very different from an Innkeeper whose "hotel experience" was at a budget inn.
Well ... thank you. ......

I certainly do not doubt that raising a family is one of the toughest things and I have always said I really don't know how people manage a house, the kids, the job etc. I also have never questioned anyone's previous experiences, and have only shared my personal / professional experiences..
There were those of you that contacted me personally when I first joined, and even some who expressed an apology for some of the harsh replies, and I was very appreciative of that.
You then have someone like Bree who despite biting my head off at first (there you go Bree, I have reinstated your position!!) and then blew me away by sharing my contact info with a journalist. .
I am a HUGE "sharer" when it comes to the information I have learned in the 25+ years I have been in the hospitality business and am more than happy to help anyone that has questions - I may be new on this forum but heck I am old in everything else!
If you ever see me getting "old and cynical" however, or throwing back harsh replies, please let me know. .... because I know that although you have had some scammers and others on this forum ... give people a chance or at least ask some questions before thinking they are here to take you for a ride

Ok so here is a little bio on me so maybe you can get to know me a little better: I qualified in Hotel Management in South Africa and worked there in hotels, and then worked for the Ritz Carlton in the US.
My hotel career covered everything from rooms to housekeeping to the kitchen (maybe I should have spent more time in Maintenance!!) but my speciality was customer service and systems.
Following that I installed hotel systems which took me to Disney in Paris where I installed the hotel systems (including the CRS, credit card and other interfaces). Disney offered me a job and for a few years I was the accounts rec supervisor before I moved back to supporting hotel systems. I spent 2 years on the Island of Mauritius as central res manager for a group of hotels, was the Intl Ops Manager for out of London and moved back to the US in 2001 where I worked for Six Continents head office before being laid off. I was a home based concierge before I came to my senses and got the heck out of Atlanta and purchased the B&B.
It's come a long way in 4 years but there is still so much I need and want to do but no $$ (surprise!!) ... and it's nice to start "meeting" some other Innkeepers since (another surprise!) I don't get out of the house much!
Ok so you have hotel experience. I do too, and my husband has managed restaurants for years, but don't bother to tout it as if I'm the only person with it on the forum. I'm not interested in anyone's hotel experience. I'm interested in what's going on now in everyone's B&Bs.
Hotel experience is not the same as running a B&B anyway. The hotel attitude towards their guests was what turned me away from them to run my own place.
Rikki I was not "touting it", I was "introducing myself" as I had been slammed for not doing. So please read all the other posts and why this forum came about and why I wrote that reply before jumping down my throat.
Maybe it did not work for you, but I can tell you that many of my guests have commented that they have felt that many (I am not saying all!!) of the Inns that they had stayed at where the Innkeepers had hotel experience, that they did see a difference
I can tell you that my Ritz Carlton experience, just from a customer service point of view, was invaluable. Very different from an Innkeeper whose "hotel experience" was at a budget inn.
agoodman said:
Rikki I was not "touting it", I was "introducing myself" as I had been slammed for not doing.
You might want to put your excellent description of your history into your Profile under your Account. In fact, I think more of us should (I recently added mine). As we grow and there are so many of us here, it might be easier if we could just click on a username and get a synopsis of who they are. Even those who are incognito can put something like "owner of 6 room inn in the southwest" or "aspiring looking for a place 2 hours from New York."
It would help us keep track of who is who.