Automatic Router Reset

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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As many of you know, I don't live at my inn. I live a few miles away and mostly run it with keypad door locks I can program via wi-fi from home, self check-in for guests, and housekeepers that can log onto my reservation system and see when a unit needs cleaning, so I don't even have to tell them that unit x needs cleaning Tuesday. So I'm only at the inn once or twice a week, to restock supplies and fix things the guests break.

One problem I've always had, though, is that about once/month, on an unpredictable schedule, my wi-fi router needs to be reset (unplugged and plugged back in), or the wi-fi gets "iffy". I only know it needs a reset when I try to program a new door key code and it won't go through. That's very inconvenient if I happen to be out of town. In those cases, I have to contact a housekeeper and have her drive to the inn and unplug/replug the router.

I think I've found a solution. I found this gizmo, which plugs into the wall socket, then I plug the router into the gizmo. Once I have it programmed (through a free phone app provided by the gizmo maker), I can set a schedule for it to cut the power to the router for a minute, then restore power. I can also manually reset the router from the phone app anytime I want, but the once/day automatic restart should fix my problem. I currently have it set to restart the router every day at 2:30 a.m. Rare will be the guest up at that hour using wi-fi. It's the same as if the utility power blinks off. The wi-fi is off about 3 minutes, then it's back on and nice and fresh.

So far it's working great. I can even set it to send updates to my phone verifying that the wi-fi has been reset and is active again. I paid $37 for a gizmo two-pack. I'll probably use the second one for my home router.

Wow! I have to reset my router once in a while - but I do not know that until a guest cannot log in. My office runs on wifi (the router is in my old office and no landline in new office) but I have no problems. Had to do that last week, the office was humming along but guests weren't.
Sounds like an inexpensive solution. I don't think I've had the problem of having to reboot the router since moving to a higher grade of equipment, but expect I spent more, my current system sends an email if anything in the system has an issue.
I have a wifi reset, it's set to reboot every evening. It also has an app so I can manually restart remotely. We also have a Orbi mesh wifi extender with 2 satellites that I'm able to log into remotely and see if everything is working and who is on the can also disable devices
Cheap but Smart device. Saves lots of time and work.