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May 22, 2008
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I am venting and asking what did I forget.
I got the grass cut, the hedges trimmed, and the bags of wallboard not taken to the dump yet moved out of sight. The sidewalk has been swept. The ice chests have been brought out and washed out. I will buy a few bags of ice and put the soda & beer and watermelon in one and the potato salad and tossed salad in the other (have to have a "special" dish for DH you know). I have the beans in the crock pot since about 8 this morning. I made burger and brats buns when I got home from Chapel this morning at 1. I have a giant size 3-pack mustard, ketsup, & relish. When i finish upstairs, I will go to the grocery for the potato salad, plastic forks & spoons & napkins/plates/cups.
I have the brats thawed and I thawed some venison burger and venison sausage that I am going to mix together for the burgers. I am going to do it in the oven so I do not have to clean 5 years off the Weber grill and go buy charcoal.
Have I forgotten anything? Burgers, brats, potato salad, baked beans, tossed salad, watermelon for dessert.
When it finish this I will take the fruit baskets upstairs and turn on the A/C for guests and do the floors (did all else yesterday). Did up our bathroom this morning - I can now allow people to see it even if it IS still under construction!
Will check in before I go to the grocery to see if anyone thought of anything. The bike guys are supposed to be bringing soda and beer. I told them (when they asked if they could bring anything and they mentioned beverages) that way they would have what they wanted to drink. Maybe I will get a bg of chips too.
What have you got to keep the patties warm when you set them out? You don't want cold meat.
What have you got to keep the patties warm when you set them out? You don't want cold meat..
They will be brought out of the oven on a platter when ready to serve and the rest will stay in the oven on low with foil over it. Good reminder thanks
Thank you. I will get 2- 22 lb bags of ice for the coolers and an 8 lb for drinks. Had some but gave it to the departing Friday. Thanks for the remonder. I have onions. will toss them in the Osterizer breifly and drain.
I must have most everything covered since there were no other did yous?
Oh, I just got a jolt. The Friday departure was my destructor - the 3 prev visits, pushed slats out onece (a good thing since we fixed the bed so it would not separate again), second visit tipped the bench and fell against the corner post - see previous fix, it held!), last visit broke a toilet seat. Was waiting to find out what happened this time. Thought I had gotten off OK UNTIL I went to put the post back on the dowel (one post was leaned on by so many men that it wibble-wobbled so DH attached it with a dowel rod peg and a grde school classmate told me it was in the way for watching TV from bed - solution is pick it up off the dowel and put it in the corner). The damned dowel peg is missing. I looked in all drawers, under everything, on shelfs in closets... No hardware stores open in town on Sunday.
Edited: As I typed that, I thought of the woodshop in town. Callled him and got 5/8 dowel rod - one problem solved!!
Yep, I am coming too :)

have fun.......everything will be fine.....relax and enjoy :)
Do you have diet soda and light beer? Seedless watermelon and does the potato salad have dairy in it? The salad, does it have iceberg lettuce, because that lettuce doesn't agree with me. Are the beans vegetarian? Speaking of which, did you get any tofu dogs? And I need gluten free buns for them. Can you ask them to bring the low sodium chips?
Do you have diet soda and light beer? Seedless watermelon and does the potato salad have dairy in it? The salad, does it have iceberg lettuce, because that lettuce doesn't agree with me. Are the beans vegetarian? Speaking of which, did you get any tofu dogs? And I need gluten free buns for them. Can you ask them to bring the low sodium chips?
Good one!
Everything went very well - but I forgot to cut the watermelon!! Reading this reminded me about the watermelon! It was in the cooler out of sight and everyone was having such a good time talking that we ALL forgot the watemelon - I even told them we had it. I have to go out and clean up. I had iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, bby carrots, red pepper, green pepper, seeded cukes, and minced basil tossed salad, potato salad, baked beans (wiped out), venison burgers, venison brats, Johnsonville brats (that was a good choice as one guy was not fond of venison, and angus hot dogs and homemade burger and hot dog buns. The guys brought soda and beer. They enjoyed talking to my guests. It was a very nice evening. It was more expensive that I thought it would be. They wanted to pay me, in fact two of them asked what they owed me and I said it was just WV hospitality. The lead guy pressed some cash into my hand and said a donation to the rail-trails then, use it as you wish. So i will send a check to my WVRTC treasurer for the generous amount they gave me. There are brats left and a few burgers, but most of it was demolished.
Now to make bread pudding for breakfast with the leftover buns...
Do you have diet soda and light beer? Seedless watermelon and does the potato salad have dairy in it? The salad, does it have iceberg lettuce, because that lettuce doesn't agree with me. Are the beans vegetarian? Speaking of which, did you get any tofu dogs? And I need gluten free buns for them. Can you ask them to bring the low sodium chips?
That is why it was venison - low-fat! (and it was free - cheep-cheep)