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You absolutely need great photos to get prospective guests to read the text on your website.
btw - my dh used to be a professional wedding photographer. Almost all the photos on our website were taken by me. He does not have as good an eye for the room photos, staging, etc.
I'm not saying that your dh is not an excellent photographer, but taking the type of photos needed for a B&B may not be his niche.
Unless you're getting some kind of great SEO & marketing, you are definitely paying too much for web hosting. There are a lot of better deals out there. You might want to look at 1and1 and GoDaddy to start.
Best of luck! We've only been open about 4 months & I'm still learning
Having worked alot with both, I would recommend 1and1 over GoDaddy (similar prices).
I have 1and1 myself
It was highly recommended by PC Magazine. I know others here use GoDaddy, so was trying to be fair

Does 1and1 or GoDaddy have a template to use to make a web site?
Yes, they both do, but they are pretty limited in terms of what you can do with them. A few here have used them, I'll let them weigh in on the usefullness. I don't recommend them.
I use Go Daddy and happy with them . I agree with their designing templates, not much to choose from.