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May 22, 2008
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Today is the day! Get out the straightjacket because I am going to need one.
I have freebie guests coming around 8 tonight and am making the manicotti, French Bread, and salad for the reception at 8:30 (others are bringing beverages, dessert, cheese tray). It is now 5:20. DH decided that this morning was when he HAD to get the motorcycle pictures printed of the bike he is going to paint and he HAD to cash his check and make a deposit and now he HAS to make a cup of tea - just when I was starting to get in the kitchen to do the salad and bread. As has been described y another here - I have a one butt kitchen. He cannot get out of my way easily because of the crutches and he has a rolling cart that is always in the way (how he moves things back & forth). He just announced he is done - BUT HE IS STILL IN THE KITCHEN!!! When I said let me know when you are out of there - I am in the wrong! Oh this is a pudding night if it kills me - double butter!!!
Tell hubs someone left something on the porch for him, then lock the door...haha
Enjoy that pudding, you deserve it :)
Tell hubs someone left something on the porch for him, then lock the door...haha
Enjoy that pudding, you deserve it :).
The pudding is for HIM!! Walking cholesterol factory - that is why it will be double butter!
It is now 6:40 and he is now vaccuuming the downstairs. I need to get the bread shaped and raising - but now until he gets finished! Manicotti in the oven and salad made except for the cukes and tomatoes. Git the basil chopped and in it so that is flavoring it nicely. Both Italian and lemon basil.
I know why women scream for a divorce after 45 years!!!
Tell hubs someone left something on the porch for him, then lock the door...haha
Enjoy that pudding, you deserve it :).
The pudding is for HIM!! Walking cholesterol factory - that is why it will be double butter!
It is now 6:40 and he is now vaccuuming the downstairs. I need to get the bread shaped and raising - but now until he gets finished! Manicotti in the oven and salad made except for the cukes and tomatoes. Git the basil chopped and in it so that is flavoring it nicely. Both Italian and lemon basil.
I know why women scream for a divorce after 45 years!!!
OHHH, for him....ahhhh.....
You're funny...
45 know what you're talking's only been 20 for me and sometimes I wonder.....

Tell hubs someone left something on the porch for him, then lock the door...haha
Enjoy that pudding, you deserve it :).
The pudding is for HIM!! Walking cholesterol factory - that is why it will be double butter!
It is now 6:40 and he is now vaccuuming the downstairs. I need to get the bread shaped and raising - but now until he gets finished! Manicotti in the oven and salad made except for the cukes and tomatoes. Git the basil chopped and in it so that is flavoring it nicely. Both Italian and lemon basil.
I know why women scream for a divorce after 45 years!!!
OHHH, for him....ahhhh.....
You're funny...
45 know what you're talking's only been 20 for me and sometimes I wonder.....

We just did 33 years but you read all the time about couple getting divorced after 40 - 45 years and folks wonder why after all those years, why now? Now because he is getting old and cranky and she cannot take another crank!
I know someone who divorced after more than 20... turns out she was fooled about his true character for most of those 20 years, but when the blinders came off, they came off hard (big hurt to her, no remorse from him, long last recognition of his true lack of character). She's still trying to recover from the shock.
Well I got through the reception. The couple could not come so the ladies split up (I thought 2 rooms would be taken but all three are) - such is life.
I thought breakfast was going to be for 5 (if the Mayoe actually shows up) so decided to not bake bread today for the Baked Pineapple Toast and just make the Egg Bake with English Muffin Bread. Somehow another person has joined us for breakfast - now it is 6, (The difference is the dishes needed for the brekkie - now I need bread plates, a jelly bowl and an apple butter bowl - none of which is needed with baked pineapple toast).
My guests have gone for a stroll around town. I think I am just going to go to bed. Coffee is roasted and ready for morning grinding, table is set. Breakfast is at 8 but I think I had better be up by 5:30. Lots of great fruit for the compote - pineapple, peaches, apricots, blueberries, and papaya.
Tomorrow I think I will probably sleep on the bus as we travel around the county.
Well, you survived it....and done for tonight? Good
My PIL got divorced after 40 years.....
Well, you survived it....and done for tonight? Good
My PIL got divorced after 40 years......
The ladies went out and came back about 1:30 last night. DH came to bed at 2 and woke me up of ourse. The alarm went off at 5:30. The Mayor showed up, one other person that was supposed to did not. Just back from traveling around the county today. Everyone is over at the museum right now so I have 10 minutes before I am supposed to be meeting with the groups for I do not know why.
Chapel at midnight tonight but bless their hearts, breakfast is at 9 tomorrow! And since there was breads left over, blueberry bread pudding in the morning!! If I am smart and getthe table set and the scut done before Chapel - and am lucky enough that my relief's substitute shows up (she had a stroke) - I will be able to sleep from 1:15 to 7:30!!! A full night's sleep!!