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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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Two weeks ago, one of my Vet couples wanted to watch movies and we could not get the DVD player to work - so they bought one and hooked it up for me.

Just now, my Thanksgiving guests arrived to tell me they hit a bear about 2 miles from my house. Called the Chief to see what we needed to do, he said call 911 & report it. They called back gave me an incident # for them (no one was hurt - just the car) and said they get calls about bears getting hit all the time.

Then, we were talking with me telling them they had the place to themselves until Thursday afternoon, that the folks coming were having Thanksgiving at 5 while they were having theirs at 1. They said 5 would be fine. LOVE IT!!!! Told them in that case they will get a REAL breakfast in the morning instead of a "filler". Woohoo. ONE table setting and set of dishes! Still doing the 2 turkeys (drumsticks) but no rushing from one dinner to the next. Did I say I have wonderful guests? (Oh this couple also got 18th century clothes to wear for the dinner.)
And at least 3/4 of all that cooking was still there when they finished. Either did not like it or ate like birds. This morning I make breakfast for 6:30 for 6 people (I even told the family of 4 that they did NOT have to eat that early just because the couple needed to be on the road). Lady Fairfax had the sniffles and decided to not come to breakfast to protect the others - so HER non-dairy sits in the kitchen fully cooked - for her, no sweat.

Skip the rest of this if you do not want the rant.

Mon & Dad come down early and tell me the kids will not be eating - now I have a dish of eggs in the oven that is not finished cooking due to mass (enough eggs for a family of 4). Worse is he chose 2 meats - that was OK since he had 2 rooms but he also requested 3 countries of coffee - FOR A 1-NIGHT STAY! I make 7 venison sausage patties and 7 pork sausage patties (these are meats requested - the venison by both groups. I have 8 venison patties and 5 pork patties left. AND if the equivalent of 2 eggs was taken, I am 21 years old. All those beautiful farm-fresh eggs....... to say nothing of the Swiss & Gruyere cheese.

Normally I roll with it - I guess I am tired and grumpy today having gotten up at 4:30 and made to feel rushed when they show up early. Sigh. It is now 10:30, everyone ids gone, rooms stripped, most of the dishes are done, and the first load of laundry is in the washer. It could be worse...And my bank account is very happy!
I do get upset when I waste food because of poor or no communication. You feel taken advantage of or taken for granted.
Clueless - they left lights on in every room (the family). Because they did not include city/State when they made the res AND I got voice mail when I call4ed back within 30 min, I DID do a Goo on the name, a financial type his company (matched the e-mail so I know correct). It just felt like "we decided to drive 5 hours to come here for 1-night and then chose your dinner so be grateful". I am over my snit (almost) as I sit here trying to stay awake. Waiting for the dryer to finish so I can start the next load of laundry. Have done so much dishes this week that my hand is dried out.
Clueless - they left lights on in every room (the family). Because they did not include city/State when they made the res AND I got voice mail when I call4ed back within 30 min, I DID do a Goo on the name, a financial type his company (matched the e-mail so I know correct). It just felt like "we decided to drive 5 hours to come here for 1-night and then chose your dinner so be grateful". I am over my snit (almost) as I sit here trying to stay awake. Waiting for the dryer to finish so I can start the next load of laundry. Have done so much dishes this week that my hand is dried out.
You’re not usually a complainer. I’d guess they gave you an unappreciative vibe under the smiles. Sometimes you just know. I hope you have a break coming up shortly to regain the love of the job. Merry Christmas! It’s that time of year!
It takes more then that to make me lose my joy. I am back ready to go - almost. The young man who made my custom things - tea hutch, sideboard, king headboard among other things - is taking his daughters back to meet their Mother from the Thanksgiving visit. He will be staying tonight (for years his Mom & Dad made the exchange), That last 2.5 hours of drive home can be the killer.so my friends haul in here. Looking forward to meeting his lady (my friend says she is do good for him!).

As of now, nothing booked for the rest of the year - but that can change with a phone call.