It Brings Money into the Area. Right! Grrrrr

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May 22, 2008
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Today started a National Players Cup Tour Tournament down the road from me. I think this is the 6th year. it is also the 6th year I have had NO BUSINESS from it! I am a whole 6.3 miles from the golf course. Other than the condos on the golf course, the hotels are not much closer! One year (while I was with shared, a players wife made a reservation in the evening and HE cancelled it the next morning - he found another golfer to share a room with (hello - you are still going to share a bathroom and you could have had your own room).
Just had to whine a bit. I was even going to give "such a deal" to a palyer or caddie but they never called..... Oh well. Not meant to be....
Same thing here with a regional soccer tournament with thousands of kids (and parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles). The hotels got almost all of them because the federation will only sign on with hotels. We figured we might get a few of the outliers or at least the guests who weren't interested in soccer or hotel rooms filled with screaming kids. Nope. Again they chose the screaming kids over peace and quiet at a B&B.
Sticks in the craw a bit, doesn't it! I still say Grrrrrr!!!!
Sticks in the craw a bit, doesn't it! I still say Grrrrrr!!!!.
Yes, it did bring in money, no doubt. All of those people had to eat, the kids had to shop and the gas stations had to fill their cars. And the hotels got filled up, too.
The B&B's advertised in the promotional materials, we all listed this on our websites, etc. We DID end up with one family and then found out why we were better off without them...if their team loses, they leave. They do not want to pay for the nights they didn't use. In our case, the kid's team won. And the parents were at the game and at the award's ceremony and it was 1 PM and they were still not out of the room and then the kid wanted to shower before they left.
Yup, better they're in a hotel.
As for the golfers? There's a reason there's a bar at the '19th hole'. I probably don't want that crowd either.
BTW, had a guest here the other day talking to her fellow travelers. She was talking about her ex. She said she woke up one night and he was puking over the side of the bed onto the floor. She said, 'What are you doing???' His reply? 'Sorry, I thought I was at a hotel.' So this was his behavior at a hotel...get drunk and puke on the floor. Why not? Someone will clean it up.
I live in a very horsey area with lots of shows, clinics and other equestrian based activities. What I do is , I keep my eye on the local horse schedules and adverise on my website a couple of months prior to the local events with a % off or a special with a horsey twist. Then I contact the event chair and let them know I am offering a special or discount since they are the ones that participants usually call for lodging suggestions or referrals.
So far it has worked for me.
Sticks in the craw a bit, doesn't it! I still say Grrrrrr!!!!.
Yes, it did bring in money, no doubt. All of those people had to eat, the kids had to shop and the gas stations had to fill their cars. And the hotels got filled up, too.
The B&B's advertised in the promotional materials, we all listed this on our websites, etc. We DID end up with one family and then found out why we were better off without them...if their team loses, they leave. They do not want to pay for the nights they didn't use. In our case, the kid's team won. And the parents were at the game and at the award's ceremony and it was 1 PM and they were still not out of the room and then the kid wanted to shower before they left.
Yup, better they're in a hotel.
As for the golfers? There's a reason there's a bar at the '19th hole'. I probably don't want that crowd either.
BTW, had a guest here the other day talking to her fellow travelers. She was talking about her ex. She said she woke up one night and he was puking over the side of the bed onto the floor. She said, 'What are you doing???' His reply? 'Sorry, I thought I was at a hotel.' So this was his behavior at a hotel...get drunk and puke on the floor. Why not? Someone will clean it up.
Now that makes me feel better about it! I will jsut tell myself they would be walking around on my wood floors with their golf shoes on.
I'm just a tad confused, do you actually want the golf business or glad you're not getting it?
Its a little hard to tell from your posts.
If you do want it, you have be proactive and try to make your place known to its organizers at least a few months before the event.
If you have already perceived that attendees aren't your kind of guest, than there is nothing lost in not getting any of them.
I'm not into golf, but the few golfers we get due to a very highly rated course near us are all great and predominantly upper middle class. In our experience they are not the get drunk, hurl on the floor of a cheap hotel types. Not every person who consumes alcohol necessarily drinks to excess or whoops it up.
We take action on any events that we think might attract our kind of guest and even if they don't come this time, its all part of the ongoing, day in and day out marketing efforts we put forth. Its sometimes amazing how a place's name might stick in someone's mind even years later.
I'm just a tad confused, do you actually want the golf business or glad you're not getting it?
Its a little hard to tell from your posts.
If you do want it, you have be proactive and try to make your place known to its organizers at least a few months before the event.
If you have already perceived that attendees aren't your kind of guest, than there is nothing lost in not getting any of them.
I'm not into golf, but the few golfers we get due to a very highly rated course near us are all great and predominantly upper middle class. In our experience they are not the get drunk, hurl on the floor of a cheap hotel types. Not every person who consumes alcohol necessarily drinks to excess or whoops it up.
We take action on any events that we think might attract our kind of guest and even if they don't come this time, its all part of the ongoing, day in and day out marketing efforts we put forth. Its sometimes amazing how a place's name might stick in someone's mind even years later..
Toad, I was being philosophical. Of course i want the business. I am not an idiot to let business bypass me. These people are typically calling for reservations places up to a week before.
A caddie e-mailed last week making me the magnificent offer of $50 per night saying he were rather pay me than the Red Roof north of me. I called the Red Roof for their rates (it was 59.95 + tax which is 12% rather than my 6%). I let the cad know I was aware of the rate at the Red Roof and quoted what it would cost him there and what it would be here - both with tax added in. I also told him I would be willing to help a young person trying to make a living and would give him that $50 per rate. NO CALL. I guess he thought I was desperate or something rather than the truth that I do try to help people (I know caddies are not in the big bucks category on this tour). I hope he enjoys the 40 mile round trip that would have been less than 13 miles here - round trip!
The State built a 4-lane highway from the Interstate to - my goodness! the golf course!! - that was billed as being because the Nat Guard Armory is on that road, ahem the Armory is another 3 miles down the road.
2-lanes of this 4-lane will be blocked off as PARKING for this tournament - yep, my taxes at work.
Yes, I am
We get fishing touraments here and do get calls for lodging...the only ones I usually hook are the ones bringing their spouses. The men get up before the sun so miss out on the 2nd B - thus too with golf. Very early Tee times and they feel they are 'waisting' their stay. They also will be stingy on a place to sleep but spend big bucks on their sport.
Our tourist commission pampers the summer sports tournament corrdinators each year and end up hosting several during the summer. It is great for the area as this is our slow season and the Hotels get all the bookings and take all the battering as well. At first I was upset not being on the host list, but after hearing all the details I am content to get the NON-sports goers during that time. In fact, last summer I was very busy hosting grand parents that did NOT want to stay with all the screaming kids, so the event may be helping me after all.
Two summers ago I traveled to see my parents in S. GA. I called the only B&B in the town but they were full so called and finally was able to book a room. Little League tournament in town, so we found out AFTER we checked in. It was so very running & screaming everywhere. Management was beside themselves trying to quiet them down (I am sure they were also thinking of liability) and told us so when we called when things had not quieted down by 11PM. Some things you must be greatful for NOt having the business.
I'm just a tad confused, do you actually want the golf business or glad you're not getting it?
Its a little hard to tell from your posts.
If you do want it, you have be proactive and try to make your place known to its organizers at least a few months before the event.
If you have already perceived that attendees aren't your kind of guest, than there is nothing lost in not getting any of them.
I'm not into golf, but the few golfers we get due to a very highly rated course near us are all great and predominantly upper middle class. In our experience they are not the get drunk, hurl on the floor of a cheap hotel types. Not every person who consumes alcohol necessarily drinks to excess or whoops it up.
We take action on any events that we think might attract our kind of guest and even if they don't come this time, its all part of the ongoing, day in and day out marketing efforts we put forth. Its sometimes amazing how a place's name might stick in someone's mind even years later..
Toad, I was being philosophical. Of course i want the business. I am not an idiot to let business bypass me. These people are typically calling for reservations places up to a week before.
A caddie e-mailed last week making me the magnificent offer of $50 per night saying he were rather pay me than the Red Roof north of me. I called the Red Roof for their rates (it was 59.95 + tax which is 12% rather than my 6%). I let the cad know I was aware of the rate at the Red Roof and quoted what it would cost him there and what it would be here - both with tax added in. I also told him I would be willing to help a young person trying to make a living and would give him that $50 per rate. NO CALL. I guess he thought I was desperate or something rather than the truth that I do try to help people (I know caddies are not in the big bucks category on this tour). I hope he enjoys the 40 mile round trip that would have been less than 13 miles here - round trip!
The State built a 4-lane highway from the Interstate to - my goodness! the golf course!! - that was billed as being because the Nat Guard Armory is on that road, ahem the Armory is another 3 miles down the road.
2-lanes of this 4-lane will be blocked off as PARKING for this tournament - yep, my taxes at work.
Yes, I am
I completely understand and empathize with your frustration.
Venting is good, asking for clarity on my part is also good.
We're on the same team here remember?
I wasn't questioning or inferring anything, just seeking clarification of your position because it seemed unclear to me. Thats all.
I can't help you with the political ramifications of how your tax dollars are spent, but as with most places, doing stuff for the commoners like us is rarely at the top of the agenda.
You did the best you could for the young person, he didn't take you up on it and he could hardly use the "B&B's serve breakfast too late for my needs" argument in your case.
His loss.
I hope he got stuck hauling his pro's clubs around all day on an empty stomach or worse an Egg McMuffin.