Let's try this... Hmmmmm...

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May 22, 2008
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I had planned to get my oldest son to help me rearrange Rosi's Room when he came this week. Now something came up at work and they are postponing. So yesterday, I did it! Not sure about it yet, but am going to leave it for a while to see if it grows on me.
In the photo on my web site - the foot of the bed was at the fireplace with not quite 3 feet of space, the rocker was in front of the side window where the A/C unit is located, and the dresser was on the wall to the right of the rocker and the nightstand was to the right of that next to the "other" side of the bed (side away from the wall.
Yesterday I moved the head of the bed to where the dresser was, moved the dresser to where the bed was. For now the nightstand id still sort of where it was but I think i am going to get another surge strip and put it on the window side. There is a bit of a "narrow" path between the dresser and that side of the bed but there is now a LARGE space when you walk into that room. I moved the rocker to in front of the big window. When I get done with breakfasts this morning (8 AM is finishing up and 9 AM is still waking up) I will take some photos. It needs "fine tuned", but I think I like it. It makes the room feel bigger.
the quickest & cheapest way to redecorate one's house is to move around the belongings & furniture one already has.
I had a 3-nighter that said they did not need maid service, had 8 AM breakfasts, were gone until midnight visiting friends all 3 days and gave me a lovey green parting gift for making they stay so nice... So I am going to have to wait to do the photo shoot until we return. I have DH primed to go look at shelves for our bathroom (bribed with supper at Eat N Park) and iwll get the surge strip I need while there.
Rearranging is always fun!.
Doing as a reply to Bree to get the pictures to show.

This is from same angle as photos for web site

This is from just inside the door - the dresser WAS where the headboard is now

This is the view from the closet corner.
None are web site material. Just to show what I did with it.
I had a 3-nighter that said they did not need maid service, had 8 AM breakfasts, were gone until midnight visiting friends all 3 days and gave me a lovey green parting gift for making they stay so nice... So I am going to have to wait to do the photo shoot until we return. I have DH primed to go look at shelves for our bathroom (bribed with supper at Eat N Park) and iwll get the surge strip I need while there..
We just had a 4-nighter who required no service. The poor housekeeper was champing at the bit this morning to get into the room. 'Like no one was even in there,' is what she said it looked like, 'Neat as a pin.'