Our First SNOW!

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May 22, 2008
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We had our first snow (not just a few flurry flakes) today. DH was supposed to go try to sell some of his "toys" today. He whimpered, but I got his butt to that car and delivered him and his toys! Need to pick him up and get back before they close the streets for the Parade tonight. I have to be over at the Baptist Lighthouse for tune-up and sound check by 6:15. No way is he going to the concert tonight.
I even decorated the tree the Garden Club has at the main intersection in town. The City workers came to put the star on top for me, but it was too heavy for the tree. DARN!! I put tinsel garlands and 20 silver balls on the tree. Maybe next year we can hold a tree decorating event!
We are having ours as well!! It is my favorite kind...heavy enough to look pretty falling and coating the trees/grass, but not sticking to the roads so no shoveling required!! We have a special holiday package weekend today and are having an open house for 35 people in a few hours, so it's adding to the festive atmosphere.
Yep we got it here as well. Didn't get as much as they predicted..it looks like about 4 inches here. Roads are ok..but...our steep driveway is not. We cannot drive on it until husband gets out the snow blower. He'll be out at the crack of dawn ....Once it get's packed down...it is a night mare to drive up it...so church tomorrow for me.
Yep we got it here as well. Didn't get as much as they predicted..it looks like about 4 inches here. Roads are ok..but...our steep driveway is not. We cannot drive on it until husband gets out the snow blower. He'll be out at the crack of dawn ....Once it get's packed down...it is a night mare to drive up it...so church tomorrow for me..
Snowing here, too, but looks like a waste of excitement at this point! Had better snow in Oct. BUT, the tourists are happy!
Here too in Charlottesville - big beautiful flakes. Chris was out burning a bunch of brush from storm damage.
waiting .... waiting .... watching .... waiting .... still raining.
Our poor, poor captain is delivering a yacht from Fort Lauderdale to Houston (snow!) for someone who recently purchased her. He left Fort Lauderdale last Sunday, and today, he had to do the open water portion of the trip (the NE corner of the Gulf where there isn't sufficient intercoastal waterway) 4 to 6 footers. He's heading right for the snow. I don't think he was expecting this. I asked him if he packed his parka (being purely sarcastic as we live in Miami). The only thing he has is a long sleeved tee-shirt and a sailing jacket. Brrrrrrrr! I'm so glad I'm not on that boat ride.
Edit to add: He just uploaded two videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=necVm3Ais8s&feature=autofb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4oXAXC_23o&feature=autofb
Poor guy was running the boat the engine room doors open downstairs just to provide some heat. Wow....to have to listen to that engine noise for 10 hours. Now, I like the sound of Detroit Diesels, but with the doors closed!
No snow here, but the cold did arrive. Today, I went to Costco in shorts, sleeveless shirt and crocks. When I went in the store it was hot and muggy outside; when I came out, it was windy and cold. What a rude awakening. Time to find the long pants and socks. It's gonna be a four blanket night.
By the time I went back to the "toy" show it had stopped snowing. The roads were wet but not bad. I hear the parade was a short one but we had a BIG crowd at the concert- about 300 with SRO! We will do it again in Morgantown on the 13th. I hope there is no snow that night as it is a 45 min drive from here.
Believe it or not, we had our first snow, 8"! October 10. Thankfully it was gone by the end of the day. We have flurries now, 1-2" anticipated. Blizzard forecasted for Wednesday! I already called in for annual leave at work. No snow since October, and it didn't hurt my feelings. We have a long, steep, driveway as well.
We're having a bit of a snowstorm here right now. About 3-4 inches since 8:30 AM. Oh to be young...our guests are just looking at it saying how nice it is and that with a 2-3 drive ahead of them!
We have about a foot on the ground and are expecting another 8" over today and tomorrow. Much as I hate winter, it's truly beautiful out there (and nice and warm in here by the fireplace)! D. snowblew the driveway and parking area before leaving for work this morning, and you'd never know it to look out there now.
Snow finally stopped last night. 13 below 0 this morning
it's sunny here and supposed to be in the mid 60's.....although we will have rain for the next week as well as we've had rain for the past few days :( Good news is that we are headed down to Florida for the next week!
Snow finally stopped last night. 13 below 0 this morning
Keep those temps and the snow please. We are having wind now - actually WIND! Rained a bit and sun now but the wind in blowing in the cold. I have a concert Sunday evening and do not need nasty roads.
Blizzard conditions here - supposed to continue thru the night and into tomorrow. I'm glad I ran errands today - will sleep in tomorrow and work on Xmas cards and wrapping! 'Tis the season! I'll even be nice and let my hubby use the 4 wheel drive vehicle!