POW! Oh SH***

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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I got some beets at the Farmers market yesterday and cooked them last night. Decided to make pickled eggs with the juice. So this morning I put some eggs on to boil and came to check e-mail.
One thing led to another (innspiring) and I heard a POW! and started running. Exploded egg! Took the eveidence outside - quickly! DH stumbles into the kitchen asking what did you burn this time and i started laughing. How did you know? "When I hear an Oh SH and you start running I know you did it again." Was it your eggs? Got lucking. Only one blew and it did not get the ceiling, wall, etc. Fairly neat explosion. And it was my stainless pan instead of one of my copper pots this time.
Though you might enjoy the laugh.
good thing it wasn't the beets! had visions of red all around the room and on you!
Oh that would have been interesting on my yelloe walls.
I knew what it was because one Sunday my Mother & I went to my Wheeling Symphony Training Orchestra rehearsal. Mom had put some eggs on to boil for potato salad for a cookout when we got back. She forgot the eggs (like mother, like daughter) and we came home to eggs on the ceiling, on the walls, and company due in half an hour.....