Silent Auction

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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The WV Hospitality & Travel Association has a Silent Auction Room at the Governor's Conference on Tourism next week. They raise funds for scholarships to kids going into the H or T fields (I think the last few have been going to culinary schools). I am no longer donating room nights. I am putting together a basket of things that will have this attached:
Ode to the Silent Auction
A bed & breakfast is the place to be
If an area you wish to see.
The hosts will know the routes to take
So you won’t have detours to make.

Here is your coffee and your tea
With teapot and a cup from me.
The apple butter and honey make
The perfect toppings for the bread you’ll bake.

And I just have a hunch
The bags will hold the perfect lunch.
Enjoy the music on the CD
Of the Band from Shinnston Community.

We have given you the day’s beginning
If this basket you will be winning.
Covered bridges, craft shops, and winery
Are some of the things you can see.

So if there would come a day
That up I-79 you would wend your way
We know the place that is the best
To get a most relaxing rest.

Gillum House has made this donation
To West Virginia H & T Association.
With hopes to one and all amaze
With the funds that it will raise.
The basket will have English Muffin bread w/recipe to just add warm water, mix, and bake, a 3 oz tin of tea, a large teapot, a pretty cup, a pint of apple butter, a pint of honey, 4 oz of Hawaii Kona Blend coffee roasted Sept 20, 2 of my lunch bags, and a CD of the Community Band. The teapot is pink & white and I am lining the basket with pink material.
Think it will be noticed?
i think it's lovely. i'd bid on a basket of those things.
will you include any % off coupon for a stay at gillum house or would rather not?
Great poem. I just donated a gift basket for the Friends of Skamokawa annual wine tasting. (wine, steel cut oats in an attractive tin, home baked mini pies and a loaf of cottage bread, also some cocoa mix and two of our mugs). I enclosed one of our brochures and a card thanking the winner bidder for supporting the Friends. Your idea is creative and, positively attention getting. Hope it helps with good referrals. KathleenM
i think it's lovely. i'd bid on a basket of those things.
will you include any % off coupon for a stay at gillum house or would rather not?.
Had not thought of that but it IS an idea. Maybe a 50% off your second night if booking 2-consecutive nights. I think i will make that a "bonus" and not part of the value of the basket.