Sylvia L has sent you a Desktopdating invitation

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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Maybe we need a topic called WARNING!!
I got this e-mail with this in the subject line ~ Sylvia L has sent you a Desktopdating invitation (name deleted). She is a high school friend of DH so she knows he is still kicking. With all the "social media" I thought OK, I will be nice...
Forst of all to sign in your had to give up your e-mail & password on your hotmail, yahoo,or g-mail, OR AOL account and in the next step it had the e-mail addy of a friend in Canada to be given up to get to the next step. I closed out because I do not "give up my friends" and sent her an e-mail apolofizing for not joining her on this. Today she replied - I did not send anything.... Be Aware! Now to go change my password on Hotmail..... Good thing I only use it for junk
With a subject like that, I would have never even opened the message. Just delete. Good friends send me these "chain" emails all the time. What do I do? DELETE and move on. I don't even respond to them about the message. No need. They are a waste of time and I do not want any messages going forward to have my name or email attached to them. You don't know where they will end up and what they will bring you in the future. :-(
With a subject like that, I would have never even opened the message. Just delete. Good friends send me these "chain" emails all the time. What do I do? DELETE and move on. I don't even respond to them about the message. No need. They are a waste of time and I do not want any messages going forward to have my name or email attached to them. You don't know where they will end up and what they will bring you in the future. :-(.
But when it is a friend of DH that has just reconnected I tend to try to accept some things as friendly gestures - and with all the "social networking" one never knows what names mean all the time - as in who would have had any idea what Twitter meant.
When it comes to giving up another person's e-mail, there is no way I will do it. I tried to close my Hotmail account today but was unsuccessful - I did change the password though.
I just posted this as a warning of what does come across the e-mail - it looks a lot like what you get with Facebook and Twitter with the "wants to be friends".
the internet is wonderful! and awful!
i clicked on a news link on the the NEWS page on google yesterday - no tv, that's how i get my news, and immediately one of those 'your computer has a virus' things popped up and started supposedly scanning. all my antivirus programs went crazy, the window closed, the internet browser closed, the virus scan started running and i was sitting here wondering how that was 'planted' in with the legitimate news.
it would be so nice to just surf and explore at ease, wouldn't it?
i was watching yet another grandma explaining how she was almost scammed out of $4500 by someone pretending to be a grandchild who'd had an accident in canada. even after being warned at the walmart where she wanted to do the wire transfer, she still worried about her grandson. after all, he knew so much about recent events as they chatted 'to calm him down' after telling him not to worry, she'd send the money. turns out, these scammers go to profiles on facebook and myspace and look up family members' names and recent trips and then they use this info to find their victims and gain their confidence.
the internet is wonderful! and awful!
i clicked on a news link on the the NEWS page on google yesterday - no tv, that's how i get my news, and immediately one of those 'your computer has a virus' things popped up and started supposedly scanning. all my antivirus programs went crazy, the window closed, the internet browser closed, the virus scan started running and i was sitting here wondering how that was 'planted' in with the legitimate news.
it would be so nice to just surf and explore at ease, wouldn't it?
i was watching yet another grandma explaining how she was almost scammed out of $4500 by someone pretending to be a grandchild who'd had an accident in canada. even after being warned at the walmart where she wanted to do the wire transfer, she still worried about her grandson. after all, he knew so much about recent events as they chatted 'to calm him down' after telling him not to worry, she'd send the money. turns out, these scammers go to profiles on facebook and myspace and look up family members' names and recent trips and then they use this info to find their victims and gain their confidence..
I still cannot understand how anyone can get any jollies out of causing problems for people and not being able to see thw hurt or aggrevation or even know it happened and if it happened. If I were going to try to "get" someone, I would at least want to know it happened. Some poeople just have sad, lonely, empty lives I guess and I suppose it is the knowledge that they hurt some innocent person is enogh to make them happy.
I hope all is well with your computer now.