What can they do that my State Assoc cannot!

Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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In years past, my statement was what can an international association do for me that my State Association cannot! THAT was in the past. In the last 2 years I have gotten my answer. PAII has managed to get the 1000 lb gorilla to at least sit down in the same room and talk and small changes have been made. Anyone who has ever played PacMan knows what small bites can do if you keep biting.
I say this because it was pointed out to me today that the window of opportunity to join PAII for the reduced rate of $79 ends on November 15. Why is it important for us to join PAII? Numbers, sheer numbers Plus the other benefits they do offer. Why did I join? They made it affordable and I know from experience that numbers matter. There are other benefits that I am not going to go into - it is all on their new web site http://www.innkeeping.org/
I do not have money to throw around and am very careful where I spend it. PAII has now made joining affordable. No organization can survive forever relying on volunteers. Paid staff, who are accountable, is what it takes to keep going long-term. That takes money. A good web site takes money. This is my personal belief, make no mistake I am speaking for no one else here, if I do not stand up and put my money where it is needed in support - especially since they gave a LOT by creating something affordable even for me - than I cannot complain about the 1000 lb Gorilla or even the 800 lb Gorilla that perhaps may see the light in the future.
I also feel there are going to be marketing initiatives in the future that will make people more aware of the Bed & Breakfast Industry. I rarely climb up on the horse to rally for something but just as I urge people to join my State Association because the numbers - together - make the Legislature take notice when we have issues with them and sometimes marketing deals can be made because of numbers supporting PAII gives volume to the voice to make it a VOICE.
Nuff said (perhaps more than nuff).
I rejoined because I felt they were really out there doing things for the good of innkeepers everywhere. When I let my membership lapse 4 years ago, I just wasn't getting that sense. It helps a lot that Jay reaches out to us here as well as to the 800 lb gorilla. It says a lot for him and the group at PAII that they got the gorilla to listen. To me, it seems like the folks at PAII are listening to the folks who they want to pay their salaries. THAT never hurts.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
I rejoined because I felt they were really out there doing things for the good of innkeepers everywhere. When I let my membership lapse 4 years ago, I just wasn't getting that sense. It helps a lot that Jay reaches out to us here as well as to the 800 lb gorilla. It says a lot for him and the group at PAII that they got the gorilla to listen. To me, it seems like the folks at PAII are listening to the folks who they want to pay their salaries. THAT never hurts..
Is it $79 for the year or is this a trial. If it were $79 for the year I'm in. I don't think I would use it except the forums also. I used it be in when we first opened and I felt it was a little to costly.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
Sorry but I have to disagree. I'm through investing in "potential" whether it's $300 or $79. When PAII starts respecting their members and actually accomplishing something, then maybe I'll change my mind.
I really like what I've heard from Jay on this forum, I like his attitude and his drive. Unfortunately, I still don't see the benefits of joining PAII. I got really excited when I saw the reduced membership fee and saw that the website would be redone. I'm sorry but I think the website is still awful, not functional at all and I just don't understand the point of being a member. Anyone who is really pleased with their investment, if you can tell me specifically what has been the greatest benefit to you I am all ears. I want to be persuaded.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
Sorry but I have to disagree. I'm through investing in "potential" whether it's $300 or $79. When PAII starts respecting their members and actually accomplishing something, then maybe I'll change my mind.
Hmm.. I am guessing your post was in response to GH. I was just doing some comparing about how we might arrive at a decision about where to spend our money.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
knkbnb said:
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
In PAII's case, the $79 does cover more than their forum, including a discount for the conference (I have already signed up for Austin taking advantage of an early-bird special).
However, just to be clear, their forums are for members only, and there are no anonymous posters, as everyone has to post by their member inn name. The discussions there are pretty mannerly - too mannerly, some might say, and some others might (and have) said that they have manners there that we lack here. It's really not a personal entertainment forum.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
knkbnb said:
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
In PAII's case, the $79 does cover more than their forum, including a discount for the conference (I have already signed up for Austin taking advantage of an early-bird special).
However, just to be clear, their forums are for members only, and there are no anonymous posters, as everyone has to post by their member inn name. The discussions there are pretty mannerly - too mannerly, some might say, and some others might (and have) said that they have manners there that we lack here. It's really not a personal entertainment forum.
Thanks Muirford- It was entirely my opinion on the matter and I wouldn't want to suggest that I was singling out this forum or that forum or that it was in some way a factual statement about either.
Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
knkbnb said:
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
In PAII's case, the $79 does cover more than their forum, including a discount for the conference (I have already signed up for Austin taking advantage of an early-bird special).
However, just to be clear, their forums are for members only, and there are no anonymous posters, as everyone has to post by their member inn name. The discussions there are pretty mannerly - too mannerly, some might say, and some others might (and have) said that they have manners there that we lack here. It's really not a personal entertainment forum.
Thanks Muirford- It was entirely my opinion on the matter and I wouldn't want to suggest that I was singling out this forum or that forum or that it was in some way a factual statement about either.
I wasn't suggesting you were - but I wasn't sure if you were aware of how the PAII forum works, which is pretty different from the innspiring forum. Also, we're free.

Hmmm....I think that $79 is affordable. I think Jay Karen has a good vision of where he wants PAII to go and I think a national organization has merit for the industry. Oddly, we have not joined as an individual inn. We had a trial membership and did not use it in any meaningful way. Perhaps in the future.
I thought about the lobby aspects of PAII and it reminded me of our membership with Consumer Reports. We have a membership because we support an independent body to keep an eye on the products we buy and use. The difference is that our $25 membership also comes in handy when we are getting ready to make a purchase and we didn't experience a similar benefit with PAII. I was thinking that if we ever decide to attend the conference that we might join since that would be a benefit we might use. We'll keep an eye on it and if it develops into something beneficial for us, I'm sure we'll join..
My sentiments exactly. I never used my previous membership in any useful way (besides the forum, which proved talk wasn't cheap).
However, I paid up this time, not so much for the vendor lists but for the classes being offered and to support the cause. Kind of like joining the Chamber. I don't expect my Chamber memberships to bring me a great amount of biz, but I'm supporting the cause. Helping to underwrite the PAC if you will.
The fact that Jay is out there talking to the gorillas for us is good enough for me to pay. Go ahead, it'll be the best $79 you ever spent.
Our Chamber of Commerce is another example. We join for more than one reason. The first benefit is building relationships in business, which has had an indirect favorable impact on our brand and our bottom line. The second is that it provides a discount equal to our dues for listing in our local business directory, which has also led to an increase in revenue. Those are reliable reasons to spend your capital.
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
knkbnb said:
Compare that with a forum, for example, with a $79 fee to be a member. A decision would have to be made. Say it had lots of interesting opinions, nice people, helpful advice, and it serves as an occasional sounding board. It also has anonymous posters, open discussion boards, and unfettered manners that can be similar to a chat room. That type of product doesn't rise to the level of a justifiable business expense for many folks. It’s more like personal entertainment.
In PAII's case, the $79 does cover more than their forum, including a discount for the conference (I have already signed up for Austin taking advantage of an early-bird special).
However, just to be clear, their forums are for members only, and there are no anonymous posters, as everyone has to post by their member inn name. The discussions there are pretty mannerly - too mannerly, some might say, and some others might (and have) said that they have manners there that we lack here. It's really not a personal entertainment forum.
Thanks Muirford- It was entirely my opinion on the matter and I wouldn't want to suggest that I was singling out this forum or that forum or that it was in some way a factual statement about either.
I wasn't suggesting you were - but I wasn't sure if you were aware of how the PAII forum works, which is pretty different from the innspiring forum. Also, we're free.

I don't really know the difference. Free is good
I really like what I've heard from Jay on this forum, I like his attitude and his drive. Unfortunately, I still don't see the benefits of joining PAII. I got really excited when I saw the reduced membership fee and saw that the website would be redone. I'm sorry but I think the website is still awful, not functional at all and I just don't understand the point of being a member. Anyone who is really pleased with their investment, if you can tell me specifically what has been the greatest benefit to you I am all ears. I want to be persuaded..
See I am kind of like you. I don't see the new website and being of any benefit. It is not functional and not promoted as a place for people to look for accommodations. The database set up is a real joke to me.
On the other hand, Jay has moved the association to a different level. He is listening and he is talking and communicating with members which is more than has been done in the past. That is a good thing. However, I don't believe the $79 membership level gets you much...if I read correctly, it doesn't get you member discounts to conference etc. There is lots of good info from PAII, but it all costs something and some of those prices are pretty steep. An association needs to have $$$ to run so..membership pays. Whether it is worth it or not to you...you are the only one who can decide.
I rejoined because I felt they were really out there doing things for the good of innkeepers everywhere. When I let my membership lapse 4 years ago, I just wasn't getting that sense. It helps a lot that Jay reaches out to us here as well as to the 800 lb gorilla. It says a lot for him and the group at PAII that they got the gorilla to listen. To me, it seems like the folks at PAII are listening to the folks who they want to pay their salaries. THAT never hurts..
Is it $79 for the year or is this a trial. If it were $79 for the year I'm in. I don't think I would use it except the forums also. I used it be in when we first opened and I felt it was a little to costly.
sandynn said:
Is it $79 for the year or is this a trial. If it were $79 for the year I'm in. I don't think I would use it except the forums also. I used it be in when we first opened and I felt it was a little to costly.
They have a whole new pricing structure. Each new level gets you more perks. Like I said, I used to use it strictly for the forum, then I found this crowd, and didn't see the need. Now I look at it as helping to keep support for B&B's out there. Someone to talk for me while I'm busy running my biz.
I really like what I've heard from Jay on this forum, I like his attitude and his drive. Unfortunately, I still don't see the benefits of joining PAII. I got really excited when I saw the reduced membership fee and saw that the website would be redone. I'm sorry but I think the website is still awful, not functional at all and I just don't understand the point of being a member. Anyone who is really pleased with their investment, if you can tell me specifically what has been the greatest benefit to you I am all ears. I want to be persuaded..
I'm going to sound like a broken record, so I apologize. I think that the $79 may not buy you a single tangible thing. But, it goes to support Jay & co in their continuing effort to talk to the people (TA as an example) who will not listen to us as an individual property. Perhaps some work in DC to get some focus on bringing tourists to the US who will stay with us.
I don't have money to throw around. This is the first time in 4 years I have paid my dues to PAII. And it's because I see Jay trying to make a difference in the overall perception of B&B's as a real profession and a real option for lodging.
I really like what I've heard from Jay on this forum, I like his attitude and his drive. Unfortunately, I still don't see the benefits of joining PAII. I got really excited when I saw the reduced membership fee and saw that the website would be redone. I'm sorry but I think the website is still awful, not functional at all and I just don't understand the point of being a member. Anyone who is really pleased with their investment, if you can tell me specifically what has been the greatest benefit to you I am all ears. I want to be persuaded..
See I am kind of like you. I don't see the new website and being of any benefit. It is not functional and not promoted as a place for people to look for accommodations. The database set up is a real joke to me.
On the other hand, Jay has moved the association to a different level. He is listening and he is talking and communicating with members which is more than has been done in the past. That is a good thing. However, I don't believe the $79 membership level gets you much...if I read correctly, it doesn't get you member discounts to conference etc. There is lots of good info from PAII, but it all costs something and some of those prices are pretty steep. An association needs to have $$$ to run so..membership pays. Whether it is worth it or not to you...you are the only one who can decide.
Right, It is not a directory. No one should be looking to PAII as a source of revenue from that site. (Which is pretty unusable.)
I really like what I've heard from Jay on this forum, I like his attitude and his drive. Unfortunately, I still don't see the benefits of joining PAII. I got really excited when I saw the reduced membership fee and saw that the website would be redone. I'm sorry but I think the website is still awful, not functional at all and I just don't understand the point of being a member. Anyone who is really pleased with their investment, if you can tell me specifically what has been the greatest benefit to you I am all ears. I want to be persuaded..
I'm going to sound like a broken record, so I apologize. I think that the $79 may not buy you a single tangible thing. But, it goes to support Jay & co in their continuing effort to talk to the people (TA as an example) who will not listen to us as an individual property. Perhaps some work in DC to get some focus on bringing tourists to the US who will stay with us.
I don't have money to throw around. This is the first time in 4 years I have paid my dues to PAII. And it's because I see Jay trying to make a difference in the overall perception of B&B's as a real profession and a real option for lodging.
oh I agree...$79 doesn't get you anything really. But I wholeheartedly support what Jay has been trying to do as well and if I were still an innkeeper...I would be at least paying the $79. Hey it's a business deduction:)