What suggestions have guests made that you have followed thru on?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Our first month here was amazing. Everyone had a better idea for how to do things than we did! I think after the shock wore off when the guests asked, 'So how long have you been doing this?' and we looked at our watches and said, '12 hours,' they all had ideas for us.
A short list of what we were supposed to change (remember this was in the first 2 weeks, when we still had no idea about anything, including the neighborhood):
  1. change the name of the B&B so we came in at the top of the alphabet (add 'An' to the name was one suggestion);
  2. add full length mirrors in all the rooms;
  3. remove the shelves from a closet and put in hangers (closet isn't deep enough for that);
  4. change the pricing structure as the lowest priced room and the highest priced room were too close together in price, but don't raise the prices;
  5. put in a ramp and remove the stairs to the entryway;
  6. strip all the wallpaper (leave all the wallpaper);
  7. switch the dining room with the living room.
OK, that's all I can think of now. We accomplished 2, 3, 4 (we did raise the rates, tho) and partially 6 (stripping wallpaper). We looked at 5 but at $10k for a ramp we decided the guests needed the exercise. 1 was out of the question as the B&B has been here for over 20 years with this name. 7 was a thought but went out the window every time a guest said, 'I love this view during breakfast,' and most of them would not see a thing after dark had we swapped things around.
This year I asked guests who always take the same room what they would think if I switched it around. They had very sound ideas why I should leave it the way it is so I will. OTOH, I did switch another room around and that room's favorite guest loved it for exactly the reason I changed it.
remove the shelves from a closet and put in hangers (closet isn't deep enough for that);
We have shallow closets (so they would not be taxed as another room) and DH rigged up a dowel rod system so the hangers went flat to the back of the closet instead of corner to the back as in a normal closet. This worked nicely (two blocks of wood attached to the shelf - hanging down from it in fact - with the 1 inch I think dowel rod between them to hang the clothes on). I hope I explained it so it makes sense.
We put hooks on the back of every door and put a couple dining room type chairs in the big room - in addition to the bench that everyone used for luggage instead of seating as it was meant for and yes, there was a luggage rack in the room - because guests said there was no where to sit in that room. That room is al doors, windows or mantle - no place to put a comfy chair.
remove the shelves from a closet and put in hangers (closet isn't deep enough for that);
We have shallow closets (so they would not be taxed as another room) and DH rigged up a dowel rod system so the hangers went flat to the back of the closet instead of corner to the back as in a normal closet. This worked nicely (two blocks of wood attached to the shelf - hanging down from it in fact - with the 1 inch I think dowel rod between them to hang the clothes on). I hope I explained it so it makes sense.
We put hooks on the back of every door and put a couple dining room type chairs in the big room - in addition to the bench that everyone used for luggage instead of seating as it was meant for and yes, there was a luggage rack in the room - because guests said there was no where to sit in that room. That room is al doors, windows or mantle - no place to put a comfy chair..
That's how we ended up doing it. Back to front hanging rod instead of side to side. With hooks at the very back of the closet. It's worked well. And it meant we could take down the 'valet' that I kept banging my head on when I went to make the bed. (Long time guest thanked me for that change, he banged his head all the time, too, as that was on his side of the bed!)
What about a thread on suggestions guests have given you that you have ignored as they were not very workable and the guest has no idea what we do and how we do it? This terrible guest from down south who went from here to write awful trip advisor reviews for two other BnB's on his trip suggested we have a questionaire prestamped to add comments and critique his stay. To this I mentioned there already is one, it is called trip advisor. I should have kept my mouth shut. He never reviewed our place, but found it like many do as a place to lodge a complaint about an inn. I inadvertedly unleashed a monster.
What about a thread on suggestions guests have given you that you have ignored as they were not very workable and the guest has no idea what we do and how we do it? This terrible guest from down south who went from here to write awful trip advisor reviews for two other BnB's on his trip suggested we have a questionaire prestamped to add comments and critique his stay. To this I mentioned there already is one, it is called trip advisor. I should have kept my mouth shut. He never reviewed our place, but found it like many do as a place to lodge a complaint about an inn. I inadvertedly unleashed a monster..
Our friends who own a b&b with an attached restaurant are always being subjected to this. He doesn't even bat an eye "If you've got your checkbook you can make me an offer and then we can discuss how you'd like to change the way the business operates."
Yikes! But he gets away with it...
What about a thread on suggestions guests have given you that you have ignored as they were not very workable and the guest has no idea what we do and how we do it? This terrible guest from down south who went from here to write awful trip advisor reviews for two other BnB's on his trip suggested we have a questionaire prestamped to add comments and critique his stay. To this I mentioned there already is one, it is called trip advisor. I should have kept my mouth shut. He never reviewed our place, but found it like many do as a place to lodge a complaint about an inn. I inadvertedly unleashed a monster..
That's too much. If a person has that much time on their hands to fill out a questionnaire about a B&B stay, yeesh, get a life.
What about a thread on suggestions guests have given you that you have ignored as they were not very workable and the guest has no idea what we do and how we do it? This terrible guest from down south who went from here to write awful trip advisor reviews for two other BnB's on his trip suggested we have a questionaire prestamped to add comments and critique his stay. To this I mentioned there already is one, it is called trip advisor. I should have kept my mouth shut. He never reviewed our place, but found it like many do as a place to lodge a complaint about an inn. I inadvertedly unleashed a monster..
Joe Bloggs said:
What about a thread on suggestions guests have given you that you have ignored as they were not very workable and the guest has no idea what we do and how we do it?
  1. Noon arrival time.
  2. Cooked to order menu.
  3. Bottled water.
  4. Kitchen privileges.
  5. Elevator.
1. A guest wanted to know where, on the radio dial, to find the local broadcast of CBC radio. So now our room info booklets list and briefly describe a selection of stations.
2. Guests suggested we paint the deck steps in a contrasting colour to make them easier to see. We painted the top edges in red instead of the whole step. Done and dried by the time the guests were back from their walk.