Why you NEVER want to list with RealAdventures.com

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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I listed with RealAdventures.com about 10 years ago. I actually gave them 2 years to produce - NADA! So I did not renew. HOWEVER they DID NOT remove my inn from the Directory. I just got an inquiry from their site - BUT to answer the inquiry, I must renew my listing. So now I have - if it is the real thing - a person who will get no reply because one 2-night maybe - only asking availability and rates, not asking to book - is not worth paying them. AND I did note find any place on their web site to send them an e-mail to remove my info. I did a respond to the inquiry which will probably go nowhere but respond with the request to have ALL reference to my bed & breakfast removed from their site.
I have the same story. An occaisional inquiry that will go unanswered.... I think any traveller using that directory would give it up before too long after too many non-responses. Its not a well thought out model for keeping people using that directory.
Ditto here too. I get 1-2 emails a year and I wonder if they are legit requests or if they are like bellhop and send false ones in attempt to show that they do produce. Neither are worth a dime of my money or my time!
Ditto here too. I get 1-2 emails a year and I wonder if they are legit requests or if they are like bellhop and send false ones in attempt to show that they do produce. Neither are worth a dime of my money or my time!.
I think the requests must be false. They used to let you respond to a few of them for free, but no one ever answered my responses or booked.
That's how I feel about Bellhop.com.

I advertised with them for a few years and nada. I am still listed with them but no longer have a link. They will send me an occasional email with an inquiry but I can not respond since I am inactive. Not worth the $$$. Anyone who really wants to find me can google the Inn. Were all over the internet.
I signed up for the free listing from bellhop.com...my tracking program at the time showed a flurry of referrals from their website right away (all from the same IP or region), and then when the free trial was up and they were trying to get money, NADA.
I only recently saw bel l ho p on a couple websites. It is one of those things, with half a decade of innkeeping and never heard of it til this year, can't be that great, right? I am online and research and market and listen to all of you and this is indeed the first time it has ever been mentioned (to my knowledge) on this forum or any other I have participated in.
I only recently saw bel l ho p on a couple websites. It is one of those things, with half a decade of innkeeping and never heard of it til this year, can't be that great, right? I am online and research and market and listen to all of you and this is indeed the first time it has ever been mentioned (to my knowledge) on this forum or any other I have participated in..
Joe Bloggs said:
I only recently saw bel l ho p on a couple websites. It is one of those things, with half a decade of innkeeping and never heard of it til this year, can't be that great, right? I am online and research and market and listen to all of you and this is indeed the first time it has ever been mentioned (to my knowledge) on this forum or any other I have participated in.
I thought this one had come up before but a search doesn't show it. Maybe on a different forum?
We had the same experience with rentalo.com until I finally put them on my "block sender" filter. It seemed like right after we'd get a solicitation email from them, they would be followed by a flurry of "leads" that required signing up to fully access.
Most of the "leads" or inquiries were from families with kids looking for a house to rent or short term vacation rental with a kitchen and pool.
I just got another FAKE inquiry from realadventures.com, exactly a month after the last one. What a bunch of crooks!