Windows 7 - Here I Come!!

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May 22, 2008
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YEEHAA!!! DH said he is going to buy me a new computer (never got around to getting the laptop) and since I am going to be away on City biz Tues/Wed, had the computer guy order one last week. In about an hour, I will be disconnecting this one and taking the tower over to the computer guy. They will bring the new baby home - Thursday I hope - and plug 'er in and make sure everything works before they leave. Getting extra USB ports and new speakers while I am at it. Not lookin forward to the learning curve - thre is a learning curve every time the system leaves the hosue. Maybe I will even be able to access the stuff that was on my second hard drive that I have not been able to see since it went away in 2007 (I used that hard drive as a storage unit even then).
Now to save my important files to disk - ledger, etc
I love, love love windows 7. I could not wait to remove Vista from my laptop and install it.
One thing that you have to be careful about. If you accept credit cards through and on-line banking company, be sure that their programs are compatible with Windows 7 before switching. My provider of banking services which is a big Canadian Banking company will not be compatible till Jan 2011.
If the programs were compatible with Windows XP....they would be compatible with Windows 7
It's only when new programs that may not be compatible with older operating systems..
Your bank may have other their reason.......or other issues
If the programs were compatible with Windows XP....they would be compatible with Windows 7
It's only when new programs that may not be compatible with older operating systems..
Your bank may have other their reason.......or other issues.
One Day said:
If the programs were compatible with Windows XP....they would be compatible with Windows 7
It's only when new programs that may not be compatible with older operating systems..
Your bank may have other their reason.......or other issues
I believe you are correct. All of my programs, and some are years old, are working fine. I didn't have to go online and find any fixes like I did with Vista. Just reloaded them and they all worked. It could be that the program automatically went and found what it needed.I had one program that I could never get to work with Vista.
If the programs were compatible with Windows XP....they would be compatible with Windows 7
It's only when new programs that may not be compatible with older operating systems..
Your bank may have other their reason.......or other issues.
One Day said:
If the programs were compatible with Windows XP....they would be compatible with Windows 7
It's only when new programs that may not be compatible with older operating systems..
Your bank may have other their reason.......or other issues
I believe you are correct. All of my programs, and some are years old, are working fine. I didn't have to go online and find any fixes like I did with Vista. Just reloaded them and they all worked. It could be that the program automatically went and found what it needed.I had one program that I could never get to work with Vista.
Unfortunately, I haven't had the same experience with some of my old software. The most important one that doesn't work on windows 7 is my old version of RezOvation (2004). This has been a nightmare for us. I don't like the newer version of RezO and I'm stopping Webervations. As soon as our website refresh is finished, I'll be able to use Reservation Key for everything. Until then, I feel like I'm hobbling around on 1 foot. Thank goodness it's the slow season and I'm not having to function like this during a busy time.
There are a couple other very old programs that did not work with Windows 7, but anything that was created in the last few years shouldn't be a problem.
interesting.......I have had no problem with updating to Windows 7.....All the programs we had used in XP worked fine..........One glitch......A 20 year old Okidata dot drivers were supported in Windows 7, unless I purchased a new Okidata.
90% or more of the time.......programs as old as 10 years will be supported in a new operating system.........those that don't.....problem is on the on the vendors programing end.
The only thing that appears to not work is Publisher- which I expected. I am going to try to load my cookbook program that did not work on my Xp (I got it on Windows 95 or 98 not sure which. If it doesn't, it doesn't. It would be a plus if it did. The only equipment that does not seem to be working is the camera for Skype - cannot find a driver for it. Now I need to get beyond the Skype home page to see if my contacts are there or if I can get IT to work.
It is a learning curve for numbnutz! (as expected)
The only thing that appears to not work is Publisher- which I expected. I am going to try to load my cookbook program that did not work on my Xp (I got it on Windows 95 or 98 not sure which. If it doesn't, it doesn't. It would be a plus if it did. The only equipment that does not seem to be working is the camera for Skype - cannot find a driver for it. Now I need to get beyond the Skype home page to see if my contacts are there or if I can get IT to work.
It is a learning curve for numbnutz! (as expected).
Is PUBLISHER installed on your new computer? Most do not come with it. So that may be why you cannot open the file.
The only thing that appears to not work is Publisher- which I expected. I am going to try to load my cookbook program that did not work on my Xp (I got it on Windows 95 or 98 not sure which. If it doesn't, it doesn't. It would be a plus if it did. The only equipment that does not seem to be working is the camera for Skype - cannot find a driver for it. Now I need to get beyond the Skype home page to see if my contacts are there or if I can get IT to work.
It is a learning curve for numbnutz! (as expected).
Is PUBLISHER installed on your new computer? Most do not come with it. So that may be why you cannot open the file.
The tech who did my computer gave me a copy of Office 2007 that he had and it had Publisher - wrong version probably. I did not expect to have Publisher work. I was more disappointed about losing my Outlook files and not being able to send e-mails. I will get on them about it Monday. Today was playing catch-up from being away Tues/Wed and having yesterday chewed up waiting for the computer to arrive and then be hooked up. I was receiving e-mails before he left. Never thought about not being able to send them. I told him about the MIA from EVERY folder and many folders were missing.
Publisher was the least thing I was worried about - I figured that to be a given.
I had to get a new comp this past 07 works fine.
Make a list of all the things you are having trouble with..........have the comp techs go through the list one at a time.
You should not be having as many of the issues you are describing
I had to get a new comp this past 07 works fine.
Make a list of all the things you are having trouble with..........have the comp techs go through the list one at a time.
You should not be having as many of the issues you are describing.
I am thinking the sending problem may be the assigned port.
I did download Thunderbird and it did its thing but it is telling me the login to the server failed. I have no idea what I have at this point. At least my other e-amil account functions BOTH ways. I am sending through there but telling people to keep using the regular w-mail address - I receive just fine. I plan to install a new webcam today before I call my son to call me on Skype. I cannot get past the home/install screen with that. With Thanksgiving this week, i am taking things slowly - too much going on. I am used to working around things.....
Off topic...last night DH took a call from dispatch and it was urgent, such and such couldn't ask a certain program, required to process criminals at the is located on a server LOCALLY and they all access it from their indiv desktops. They pay big bucks each year to do this for licensing etc.
I could hear the caller and he said "it is NOT on your machine, so you s/b able to access it...send me an email with the URL"
She replied in thick southern accent "Thuh WHUT?"
I began to laugh hysterically in the background.
He is not tech support, but took this call to assist. I was in the background saying "Have you turned it on and off" (anyone who watches the IT Crowd knows what I mean by that, that is how they answer the phone, first, every time.)
He tried to explain what a URL is and finally gave up.
I said, "You poor poor thing, how can you stand it."