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May 22, 2008
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About 10 p.m. tonight I posted a blog about the Ci vil W ar event in Ph ili ppi next weekend. I just did a Goo gle on it (the event) and my blog came up #5. I am impressed with blogging.
I love to hear when it works!
Speaking of blogs, again. I get so frustrated when I see blogs posted with nothing more than marketing for their B&B. Not an event, but just "Come out and stay with us" it really bugs me. K, I know you do not do this, I am referring to a blog article I saw on a directory today. They should not be allowed to post that, as it is just like using it as their directory listing. I might contact that directory and mention it. Having room pix or breakfast pix or garden photos is a great idea, not every blog post though, there needs to be some meat to the blogs, or maybe it is just me, disappointed when I am hoping to read a "25 things to do in my town" or something that is actually interesting.
Speaking of blogs, again. I get so frustrated when I see blogs posted with nothing more than marketing for their B&B. Not an event, but just "Come out and stay with us" it really bugs me. K, I know you do not do this, I am referring to a blog article I saw on a directory today. They should not be allowed to post that, as it is just like using it as their directory listing. I might contact that directory and mention it. Having room pix or breakfast pix or garden photos is a great idea, not every blog post though, there needs to be some meat to the blogs, or maybe it is just me, disappointed when I am hoping to read a "25 things to do in my town" or something that is actually interesting..
I know you did not mean my blogs. I might blog about a special but that is not going to trigger hits to the site. I did one about a living history presentation at our museum of an Army nurse born in WV and who earned MANY medals - I am still getting hits from that. I did one about a program our Development Authority partifipated in at the high school and that has brought hits. This morning I did one on the great-great grandson of the family my house is named for. He just graduated from high school and has accepted a full baseball scholarship to a State College in Tennessee. His Grandfather, great-uncle, and Dad were/is career military.
Those who only blog about their inn do not understand what blog is about as a marketing tool. Sad.
Speaking of blogs, again. I get so frustrated when I see blogs posted with nothing more than marketing for their B&B. Not an event, but just "Come out and stay with us" it really bugs me. K, I know you do not do this, I am referring to a blog article I saw on a directory today. They should not be allowed to post that, as it is just like using it as their directory listing. I might contact that directory and mention it. Having room pix or breakfast pix or garden photos is a great idea, not every blog post though, there needs to be some meat to the blogs, or maybe it is just me, disappointed when I am hoping to read a "25 things to do in my town" or something that is actually interesting..
I know you did not mean my blogs. I might blog about a special but that is not going to trigger hits to the site. I did one about a living history presentation at our museum of an Army nurse born in WV and who earned MANY medals - I am still getting hits from that. I did one about a program our Development Authority partifipated in at the high school and that has brought hits. This morning I did one on the great-great grandson of the family my house is named for. He just graduated from high school and has accepted a full baseball scholarship to a State College in Tennessee. His Grandfather, great-uncle, and Dad were/is career military.
Those who only blog about their inn do not understand what blog is about as a marketing tool. Sad.
K, you're ideas have got my head spinning. While what you post may bring interest from more than just locals, I am considering blogging about things TO attract local attention to me. Being located just outside of town on a deadend road I do not get local exposure and have tried all the conventional and even non conventional ways with only ONE that worked. (Magnets - another story)
But I have found that just like the rest of the US, newspapers are being replaced by online news and local news interest stories are not being read (in general). I have blogged about local events & restaurants but nothing really that would attract locals attention to my blog.
Thanks K.... Don't know what it will do but it is worth a little of my time to get more local exposure. Now to find some good human interest stories to blog on...
Speaking of blogs, again. I get so frustrated when I see blogs posted with nothing more than marketing for their B&B. Not an event, but just "Come out and stay with us" it really bugs me. K, I know you do not do this, I am referring to a blog article I saw on a directory today. They should not be allowed to post that, as it is just like using it as their directory listing. I might contact that directory and mention it. Having room pix or breakfast pix or garden photos is a great idea, not every blog post though, there needs to be some meat to the blogs, or maybe it is just me, disappointed when I am hoping to read a "25 things to do in my town" or something that is actually interesting..
I know you did not mean my blogs. I might blog about a special but that is not going to trigger hits to the site. I did one about a living history presentation at our museum of an Army nurse born in WV and who earned MANY medals - I am still getting hits from that. I did one about a program our Development Authority partifipated in at the high school and that has brought hits. This morning I did one on the great-great grandson of the family my house is named for. He just graduated from high school and has accepted a full baseball scholarship to a State College in Tennessee. His Grandfather, great-uncle, and Dad were/is career military.
Those who only blog about their inn do not understand what blog is about as a marketing tool. Sad.
K, you're ideas have got my head spinning. While what you post may bring interest from more than just locals, I am considering blogging about things TO attract local attention to me. Being located just outside of town on a deadend road I do not get local exposure and have tried all the conventional and even non conventional ways with only ONE that worked. (Magnets - another story)
But I have found that just like the rest of the US, newspapers are being replaced by online news and local news interest stories are not being read (in general). I have blogged about local events & restaurants but nothing really that would attract locals attention to my blog.
Thanks K.... Don't know what it will do but it is worth a little of my time to get more local exposure. Now to find some good human interest stories to blog on...
CH, My blogs are not really to get local attention, I write to tell the outside world what we are doing in my city, the kinds of programs. I have also blogged about a visit to an innkeeper in Virginia and a B & B in Huntington, WV as well as up-coming events. Too often, I think to write about an event AFTER the fact - DUH before would have been better.
Locals DO come to my site all summer - to see what is playing at the drive-in! I post that on my happenings page.
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?)
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
The Tipsy Butler said:
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
now THAT was funny! Hey the filter is off when I THAT's WHAT YOU SAID! haha
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
The Tipsy Butler said:
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
now THAT was funny! Hey the filter is off when I THAT's WHAT YOU SAID! haha
A picture says a thousand words.

Tipsy if you don't blog that I will scream, right here at my pc!!!
That is classic.
Tipsy if you don't blog that I will scream, right here at my pc!!!
That is classic..
OK, don't hurt me ... please ... I don't blog or tweet or (t)witter or even have a business facebook page.
I know, I know, I know. I can, should, would love it if I did, would get more business etc etc. For everyone else - I know the advantages and this is not meant to start a torrent of "I can't believe you don't !!!".

Tipsy if you don't blog that I will scream, right here at my pc!!!
That is classic..
OK, don't hurt me ... please ... I don't blog or tweet or (t)witter or even have a business facebook page.
I know, I know, I know. I can, should, would love it if I did, would get more business etc etc. For everyone else - I know the advantages and this is not meant to start a torrent of "I can't believe you don't !!!".

The Tipsy Butler said:
OK, don't hurt me ... please ... I don't blog or tweet or (t)witter or even have a business facebook page.
I know, I know, I know. I can, should, would love it if I did, would get more business etc etc. For everyone else - I know the advantages and this is not meant to start a torrent of "I can't believe you don't !!!".
Did I say scream?
I know, that comment re blogging it was meant to be FODDER for You. :)
You do whatever you want to do, when we bring stuff up on this forum it is always meant to bring it out in some or not, whatever you fancy. Ideas are ideas only.
FYI I don't FB. I have an account and can't bare it. I do like Twitter and get all sorts of innfo-maniacal ideas on there.
(June is dairy month if anyone is in dairy country and wants to blog about it. We are in dairy country and I need to find something about it to blog on, any ideas?).
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Morticia said:
Ice cream! Different vendors, different flavors. Comparison with 'brand names.' A taste test map.
Dairy Queen? LOL
We have one local creamery, but the dairies here sell the milk out of state. We have COWS And stinky manure tho!
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
The Tipsy Butler said:
A local "official" landmark / street direction just down the road from us is "Cow Shit Corner".
now THAT was funny! Hey the filter is off when I THAT's WHAT YOU SAID! haha
A picture says a thousand words.

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me want to go there! Blog forth and prosper!

Tipsy if you don't blog that I will scream, right here at my pc!!!
That is classic..
OK, don't hurt me ... please ... I don't blog or tweet or (t)witter or even have a business facebook page.
I know, I know, I know. I can, should, would love it if I did, would get more business etc etc. For everyone else - I know the advantages and this is not meant to start a torrent of "I can't believe you don't !!!".

The Tipsy Butler said:
OK, don't hurt me ... please ... I don't blog or tweet or (t)witter or even have a business facebook page.
I know, I know, I know. I can, should, would love it if I did, would get more business etc etc. For everyone else - I know the advantages and this is not meant to start a torrent of "I can't believe you don't !!!".
Did I say scream?
I know, that comment re blogging it was meant to be FODDER for You. :)
You do whatever you want to do, when we bring stuff up on this forum it is always meant to bring it out in some or not, whatever you fancy. Ideas are ideas only.
FYI I don't FB. I have an account and can't bare it. I do like Twitter and get all sorts of innfo-maniacal ideas on there.
Trouble is, I know what a good idea it is and just need to get my you know what in gear ..... I'm just being a contrary idiot.
Do you mind sharing how you set up your blog?
Do you do from your website? Do you do it from an outside type of website? How do you get it noticed? I did a couple blogs a year ago, but felt like they weren't getting read and one was on free things to do in my city.
I don't have time to waste, but will invest it if I know what I write is worthwhile to someone.
Do you mind sharing how you set up your blog?
Do you do from your website? Do you do it from an outside type of website? How do you get it noticed? I did a couple blogs a year ago, but felt like they weren't getting read and one was on free things to do in my city.
I don't have time to waste, but will invest it if I know what I write is worthwhile to someone.
domsmom said:
Do you do from your website? Do you do it from an outside type of website? How do you get it noticed? I did a couple blogs a year ago, but felt like they weren't getting read and one was on free things to do in my city.
I don't have time to waste, but will invest it if I know what I write is worthwhile to someone.
I think you have it all wrong.