Feeling put upon

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Had two separate people today tell me how to use social media and suggest I look at their blogs for more information on how to blog and how to use Facebook.
These were not phone calls but personal contacts.
I suddenly feel very old and out to pasture. I don't think either of them have ever seen my blog or Facebook page so it was annoying.
Here old lady, let me show you how to do that. These poor old dears...
More annoying was one of them wants me to pay her to post 3 times/week on Facebook. Plus write ads for me. At $60/month. If I want Twitter, too, well that's another $60.
We have a 30-something here in my town who does that. Professes to be the local expert on building websites and social media. And businesses all over town are falling for it.
NONE of her websites are finished, still have "under construction" sections after 2 or 3 years.
And her FB accounts get about 1 post/month when I'm sure they're paying her to plug them weekly or more.
Mort, you're not old or clueless. You're experienced and wise. And you get more work done than these kids who think they know it all and you (and I) know nothing.
Sorry all you forum members under 40. I'm not talking about you. You're proven workers. I'm fussing about lazy younger people taking advantage of clueless elders.
Social media can be a huge energy and time vampire. There is a reason companies have dedicated staff to post, monitor, track and specialize in it. Small companies don't always get much of a benefit.
I see putting a bit of time into it only.
Did you personally know these folks? If so I would tell them to mind their own business. You will do what you do and do it well. Forget about it. They are looking to make some bucks and don't care about your business like you do.
Did you personally know these folks? If so I would tell them to mind their own business. You will do what you do and do it well. Forget about it. They are looking to make some bucks and don't care about your business like you do..
Had I known them I would have felt less insulted and asked them some questions.
It was the 'hey you need to pay someone to do this for you' attitude that threw me.
Then someone else answered a question I posted on fb with a link to her website to explain how to write a blog post. Gee whiz, really, that's how it's done?
(I know I don't know everything, but give me some credit at least.)
Did you personally know these folks? If so I would tell them to mind their own business. You will do what you do and do it well. Forget about it. They are looking to make some bucks and don't care about your business like you do..
Had I known them I would have felt less insulted and asked them some questions.
It was the 'hey you need to pay someone to do this for you' attitude that threw me.
Then someone else answered a question I posted on fb with a link to her website to explain how to write a blog post. Gee whiz, really, that's how it's done?
(I know I don't know everything, but give me some credit at least.)
Morticia said:
Then someone else answered a question I posted on fb with a link to her website to explain how to write a blog post. Gee whiz, really, that's how it's done?
That's so extremely rude and uncalled for! You should mark her message as spam and have it removed from your page. They are trying to drum up business by telling you that you are inadequate. Not a good way to conduct business! Don't take it personally that they are unprofessional, rude and know so little about marketing that they have to attack people to get clients. This chaps my A**!!
Did you personally know these folks? If so I would tell them to mind their own business. You will do what you do and do it well. Forget about it. They are looking to make some bucks and don't care about your business like you do..
Had I known them I would have felt less insulted and asked them some questions.
It was the 'hey you need to pay someone to do this for you' attitude that threw me.
Then someone else answered a question I posted on fb with a link to her website to explain how to write a blog post. Gee whiz, really, that's how it's done?
(I know I don't know everything, but give me some credit at least.)
Don't despair! Yes, I too sometimes am beginning to feel obsolete, BUT 'tis ludicrous and presumptuous for some one to judge you especially if they haven't investigated your work. So brush them off as brash offensive egotistical know-it-alls and settle back into your own well-earned and deserved wise inner knowing. It's all about them, not you, in their minds. And you truly know better.
What! You are letting marketers get to you? Stop that is not on, you know you rock, you have always rocked and will continue to rock.

Here is one I added to spam this morning:
Attention Required ! your website may be in Trouble :
They come at you from every side. here is another one from our "county tourism" a great co-op opportunity for only $400 beginning costs "Recreation News is distributed primarily to 101,000 government employees"
Oh wow 101,000 people! JUMP AND JUMP FAST!
I can reach that many with a google sponsored targeted ad for much less.
I look at it this way...I am not all knowing, but I have and have had for over 25 years, a successful business that has supported quite a nice life. So what have you done and where are you..you little wise a**? Come talk to me when you have something to be proud of. Until then, go find another millennial who buys into your advice.
So there. Brush them off. You are doing a great job...and you are younger then I am.
I look at it this way...I am not all knowing, but I have and have had for over 25 years, a successful business that has supported quite a nice life. So what have you done and where are you..you little wise a**? Come talk to me when you have something to be proud of. Until then, go find another millennial who buys into your advice.
So there. Brush them off. You are doing a great job...and you are younger then I am.
Silverspoon said:
I look at it this way...I am not all knowing, but I have and have had for over 25 years, a successful business that has supported quite a nice life. So what have you done and where are you..you little wise a**? Come talk to me when you have something to be proud of. Until then, go find another millennial who buys into your advice.
So there. Brush them off. You are doing a great job...and you are younger then I am.
Will you adopt me?

Goodness, Mort, you must have been having a bad day if you did not automatically put both in their places - the rash bin with "burning ears". You are excellent at putting people in their proper places and this time you hit the wrong person (yourself). You have been doing this long enough to KNOW you are good excellent at writing and isn't that what blogging is? writing?
Mort and JB, you both are the reason I started my blog. Mort, you were so incredibly helpful when I first started and answered a lot of my questions. If those neophytes call you again, tell them you're going to charge them for your knowledge and experience. Your blog is fantastic!
What! You are letting marketers get to you? Stop that is not on, you know you rock, you have always rocked and will continue to rock.

Here is one I added to spam this morning:
Attention Required ! your website may be in Trouble :
They come at you from every side. here is another one from our "county tourism" a great co-op opportunity for only $400 beginning costs "Recreation News is distributed primarily to 101,000 government employees"
Oh wow 101,000 people! JUMP AND JUMP FAST!
I can reach that many with a google sponsored targeted ad for much less..
Lol I know where that comes from
My uncle has this magnet on the fridge in the kitchen that says,
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Those little know-it-alls wouldn't even last a single day doing what you're doing and on top of it all, being successful at social media. YOU ROCK!
What! You are letting marketers get to you? Stop that is not on, you know you rock, you have always rocked and will continue to rock.

Here is one I added to spam this morning:
Attention Required ! your website may be in Trouble :
They come at you from every side. here is another one from our "county tourism" a great co-op opportunity for only $400 beginning costs "Recreation News is distributed primarily to 101,000 government employees"
Oh wow 101,000 people! JUMP AND JUMP FAST!
I can reach that many with a google sponsored targeted ad for much less..
Joey Bloggs said:
What! You are letting marketers get to you? Stop that is not on, you know you rock, you have always rocked and will continue to rock.

Here is one I added to spam this morning:
Attention Required ! your website may be in Trouble :
They come at you from every side. here is another one from our "county tourism" a great co-op opportunity for only $400 beginning costs "Recreation News is distributed primarily to 101,000 government employees"
Oh wow 101,000 people! JUMP AND JUMP FAST!
I can reach that many with a google sponsored targeted ad for much less.
Just a bunch of crap happened all at once and then there was that.
I've been getting dozens of 'Your SEO is all messed up' emails from 'seobob' and 'seojane' etc. If I couldn't see someone's real name being 'joseohara' I would block 'seo' from being delivered to my inbox. ;-)
I look at it this way...I am not all knowing, but I have and have had for over 25 years, a successful business that has supported quite a nice life. So what have you done and where are you..you little wise a**? Come talk to me when you have something to be proud of. Until then, go find another millennial who buys into your advice.
So there. Brush them off. You are doing a great job...and you are younger then I am.
Silverspoon said:
I look at it this way...I am not all knowing, but I have and have had for over 25 years, a successful business that has supported quite a nice life. So what have you done and where are you..you little wise a**? Come talk to me when you have something to be proud of. Until then, go find another millennial who buys into your advice.
So there. Brush them off. You are doing a great job...and you are younger then I am.
Will you adopt me?

Only if you will come live with me and take care of me when I start to drool.

Ha. Gomez got it too. He wanted to buy a battery for my tablet and he was told, 'Those are very hard to change you know.' By the same people who implied I wouldn't be able to figure out how to use it when I went to buy it.
Yup, we're being put out to pasture.
I remember (see? it's starting!) when old folks used to ask me questions and I'd want so much to show them how to do something. But I'm a teacher at heart.
But, today at PT the one PT was explaining to me how to start up one of the machines and the other one came over and just pushed all the buttons. I said, 'I could have done that myself. All the other kids are allowed.'