Best of times/worst of times?

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May 22, 2008
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I’ve been hearing from the innkeeper cohort in my old town that this year is on track to break all records for revenue and occupancy. And to break all records for most obnoxious guests.

Now, *I* know all about obnoxious guests, but some of these stories are just too much.

Are you finding this similar where you are? (All of the innkeepers I spoke with are seasoned professionals who know how to manage guests and their expectations. It sounds like guests don’t want their expectations to be managed, they just want what they want and don’t care who they insult or demean to get it.)
Yes and no. Yes, we are breaking occupancy records. Yes, we’ve had some unhappy people. But we’ve also had some delightful people who are so happy to be able to travel.

Our worst was the young couple here for their anniversary and a weekend away from the toddlers. It was the hottest day in June. Record breaking heat. He go so upset because his room wasn’t cool enough at 2 in the afternoon. We have individual air conditioners and he didn’t think his was working well enough. He sent his wife to me twice. The first time, we simply verified that the ac was doing it’s best. The second time, she was crying because all she wanted was a good nights sleep and he was too angry. I told them to go ... I gave them their money back. It was a record setting heat wave. I didn’t want their bad vibes in my house.

I wish I’d thought to tell her to send him away and she could stay, but I just wanted them out.
here in West Virginia, I am busier than usual (I think - I actually have a 7-night rez that INCREASED to 9)) and got an October (MOST unusual) today. And all have been super nice. Perhaps it is the region they are from with different expectations and mindsets.
My experience (ending in June) was almost 100% positive. However, the last group we had, a group I rescheduled our closing to accommodate, were really rude. Nothing we did was good enough. I suppose it made it easier to lock the door behind them. 😉
(I was totally sympathetic to this group because they had to cancel three times due to their flights all being canceled multiple times last year. While waiting for Covid to die down, one of the members of the party died from cancer. I thought not canceling them when they were finally getting settled was the right thing to do. The road to hell and all that…)
July was a record-setter for us. August is tracking the same.
I don't think we're getting any more high-maintenance guests than normal, but after 2020 our tolerance level is far lower than it used to be.
July was a record-setter for us. August is tracking the same.
I don't think we're getting any more high-maintenance guests than normal, but after 2020 our tolerance level is far lower than it used to be.
Maybe that’s a big part of it. Lots of people have reevaluated their life and what they want from it. Less crap for one thing.
I’ve been hearing from the innkeeper cohort in my old town that this year is on track to break all records for revenue and occupancy. And to break all records for most obnoxious guests.

Now, *I* know all about obnoxious guests, but some of these stories are just too much.

Are you finding this similar where you are? (All of the innkeepers I spoke with are seasoned professionals who know how to manage guests and their expectations. It sounds like guests don’t want their expectations to be managed, they just want what they want and don’t care who they insult or demean to get it.)
Yes great revenue and no increase in problem guests. The vast majority are happy to be able to get out this year... We are pacing ourselves, close for a few days every 6-8 weeks and our financials will position us to go for sale potentially in the winter... all good here!
Best July ever here as well. Guests are fine - some more extended stays (it's nice to get to know the guests). Has anyone noticed major price increases in the industry? We have kept our pricing the same so far! I find it difficult to offer the better experience and receive $100+ per night less per room. For now we are happy for the business but are re-evaluating our pricing strategy for 2022.
Best July ever here as well. Guests are fine - some more extended stays (it's nice to get to know the guests). Has anyone noticed major price increases in the industry? We have kept our pricing the same so far! I find it difficult to offer the better experience and receive $100+ per night less per room. For now we are happy for the business but are re-evaluating our pricing strategy for 2022.
Rates here are some of the highest in the area. I know the local hotels (think Hampton, etc) are asking close to $600/night on weekends. The b&b’s have gone up between $30-50/night. It won’t last so they’re taking advantage now.

If you have a big fall season you might want to consider a price bump. Most of the innkeepers I chat with regularly have already surpassed their usual YEARLY revenue as of July.

One thing we looked at for pricing was at what price point do we stop getting the ‘nice’ guests and start getting the cranks.
100% occupancy for July, and if we get a cancelation we up the price a bit and it's snagged in literally minutes. As far as guests, we always have our share of "Karins"
100% occupancy for July, and if we get a cancelation we up the price a bit and it's snagged in literally minutes. As far as guests, we always have our share of "Karins"
My poor daughter-in-law… before I knew there was a ‘thing’ about Karen I bought her a birthday card because I thought it was cute that it had her name on it. SO glad I decided not to send that one…
I just had my first covid cancel. Husband was exposed twice last week to people with covid (people who had had the shots - as did they). They were coming for a special dinner that they hope to reschedule and plan to reschedule here t that time. No deposit to keep or worse, refund. Told her no sweat.
We raised prices 2 times and went to 2 night min all nights until Thanksgiving... everyone should be raising prices, you are leaving $ on the table. Just keep an eye on what the hotels and others are doing, the big places all run by algorithm and prices in our town (Annapolis) have skyrocketed), we are almost caught up to last year's lost revenue...
In our 5th season here and it's the busiest year yet! Our weekends (and more) were booked for the summer by the beginning of July and most phone calls now are, "sorry we don't have any availability, but thanks for calling...".
Still booking into the fall for color season and winery events (plus taking next year's wedding guests!)
Overall, guests this year have actually been great - no major incidents (compared to the past) and plenty of happy people with the majority of bookings being 3+ nights.
Had a good many guests find us on Air, but booked direct and thanked us for the savings!
But, our prices will be going up a bit next year, With being busier, we are needing new linens and towels more frequently! (plus food costs are getting crazy!)
Starting to get covid cancellations for fall. One for Labor Day weekend. 🙁
I was supposed to go visit a grandkid for parents weekend at college. I’m still hesitating because the college is in an area that has fully embraced the theory that the virus is no worse than a cold and parents have refused to vaccinate and have protested mask wearing. The college requires nothing in the way of mitigation and the virus is rampant. I’m sorry I don’t feel safe enough to be there.
Reprinted from some news source. I tried to find the original and found it on several websites so you pick ;-)

AirBnB News...
In its letter to shareholders, the company warned that it is bracing for volatility as a result of the Covid-19 delta variant. Airbnb said it expects delta to affect travel behavior, specifically in regard to how often and when guests book and cancel.

The company said that although it expects the third quarter to deliver its strongest quarterly revenue on record, it expects Q3 nights and experiences booked to be below that of Q2 and Q3 2019.

“As we exit Q2 and come into Q3, we have a combination of fewer bookings for the fall, just given the nature of some of the seasonality, and any kind of impact potentially on Covid concerns,” Airbnb CFO Dave Stephenson said on a call with analysts.

Airbnb said vaccination progress and containment of new variants will be variables that impact how the company performs in the fourth quarter.

“We do not yet know how willing people will be to travel in the fall as compared to summer,” the company said in its shareholder letter.

We have confirmed through a hotel expert we work with that hotels started getting cancelations two days ago for the fall season. No idea if this will translate directly to your properties but it certainly could.
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