Looking for mosquito solutions

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The entry to my guesthouse is an alcove and bands of mosquitos just love to spend the day there, hovering right over the front door, so everytime the door opens, a few get in.
While we wait on reports on the traps and such, I found the thing below at the local hardware store this week. I installed it several days ago above the door and there are now ZERO mosquitos there! It runs on batteries, has a small can of bug spray in it that lasts a month. Every five minutes, day and night, it gives a quick press on the can nozzle and a puff of insecticide is emitted. The amount is so small I've never felt a drop get on me when I'm beneath it, but it has completely cleared all mosquitos, flies, and gnats from the area. I'm sold!
They're about $45 on Amazon. In addition to the bug spray, they also have cans for the machine that emit air fresheners, for use like in a public restroom.
Tried the 2 quart pop bottle. Doesn't work. Has it worked for anybody else?.
Combine in a 16 oz bottle:
15 drops lavender oil
3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
1/4 Cup lemon juice.
Fill bottle with water. Shake.Ready to use.
this from a garden guy on the radio:
Outdoor garlic sprays, like Mosquito Barrier, will keep backyards and other sprayed areas clear of blood suckers for at least several weeks. The other basic mosquito avoidance advice, of course, is to make sure you don't have any standing water for mosquitoes to breed in.
But now there's a new take on that: Use water to make mosquito breeding traps.
Instead of removing all your standing water, leave out lots of water-filled tubs, buckets, tin cans and such and treat them all with the granular form of BTI — a naturally occurring soil organism that prevents the larvae from turning into biting adults. (Here's a big retail brand and here they are at Gardens Alive.)
Female mosquitoes will lay their eggs in the traps, but no adult mosquitoes will emerge. The more traps you use the earlier in the season, the fewer mosquitoes you'll have all summer.
Mosquito bears many diseases that are unsafe for us. Mosquito-borne diseases include malaria, Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus and dengue fever. There are some easy ways you can do to avoid mosquito bites and reduce your risk of catching mosquito-borne diseases.