To Hot Tub or not to Hot Tub....

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We have an outdoor tub, it is used by a minority of guests, but the ones who do use it love it, are very considerate, clean and mindful to not hog it so others can enjoy it also.
We also offer separate towels, little flashlights, plastic ware, robes, etc.
Our hours are 7am to 11ish pm. We also tell folks that if they can be quiet and possibly leave the jets off or conversation to a minimum, they are welcome to use it even later. We get amazing night skies, so its a big amenity decider for many folks who like to star gaze.
We've never had any conflicts with folks lining up to get in, or not sharing. Maybe a handful of times in five years, one of us has had to go enforce quiet time, but all those guests had other issues while here, became DNBAs and thats the end of that story.
Ours is a Hot Springs brand which is the industry leader on energy efficiency, durability and ease of use. Not a lot of bells and whistles, just a tough, very light on the electric bill tub which keeps the water a constant temp when not in use through superior insulation and design.
It actually runs on 110 and when we owned one before while living in Oregon, their ad campaign at the time was that if it increased your electric bill more than $10 per month, they'd pay the difference. Been hooked on it ever since.
I'm obsessed about its cleanliness and quite honestly its maybe 10 minutes a day to keep it bright and shiny with very good quality water chemistry. The trick with hot tubs is being consistent with maintenance and water chemistry. Sure, we'll get some pinhead who goes in with lotion on, or whatever, but with the caddy full of clening products I have on hand, I've yet to meet my match on keeping it clean enough to satisfy even me about climbing in for a soak.
For the rare child under 10 guest we get, they must be accompanied by a parent at all times. Its a one time violation rule and tub privileges are suspended for the rest of the stay..
Thanks Tim, maybe there is hope out there yet... :)
We used to have a big pool outback, before the B&B, and my DH was just perfect in keeping it clean and excellent with the chemicals. I don't think I will have to worry about that.
Also our tubs here in AK have special insulation and they also tell us because of some kind of pump, which is added to all their models and keeps the water circulating 24/7, the use of chemicals would be a lot less.
I hope it will all work out for us and the guests, but if all else fails, we just close it down.
Thanks again for the positive feedback :)
I may moan and groan more than others here, but we find the average guest is totally willing and able to adhere to any reasonable guidelines or house rules they encounter.
The vast majority of people don't have access to a hot tub and its a real luxury to get to use on a getaway. We find it a very allruing amenity to offer and even if the house didn't have one when we bought it, we'd have put one in without a moment's hesitation.
Just about every better quality brand I'm aware of has incorporated 24/7 filtration to keep the water flowing constantly. This helps greatly to keep the internal systems and pipes not only cleaner, but also to maximize the efficency of the sanitizer.
Ours utilizes a cartridge with silver coated beads that goes inside the filter that has the 24/7 water flowing over it and the sanitizer we use is very benign but very effective without the heavy chlorine smell or feel. We could add a device that is called an ozonator which does even more chemical free sanitizing, but with my consistent diligence, it doesn't seem necessary.
Maybe having owned a tub personally for many years has helped made me more sensitive to keeping it clean, but like with many things in our realm, this isn't brain surgery if its something you think would really add to your guest's overall experience.
We have a hot tub which guests can use as and when they like. We provide towels for that purpose, plastic 'glassware' to use in that area (its next to a swimming pool), we don't charge extra for it and ask guests to shower before using it.
We have had no problems at all - it doesnt get an awful lot of use.
Slightly off topic... we had an outdoor pool. I had to clean the filter. Body oils collect there. Folds and folds of material, accordian style. Each had to be hosed off, high power, individually. We had a fair skinned neighbor kid. I explained "no oils." Mom complained that if her son wasn't allowed to use sun block, he wouldn't be able to come over. Boo Hoo???
Also, we stayed in a bnb in Arizona, since closed. The innkeeper had a plastic enclosure over the hot tub, makeshift room, just plastic, no real walls. I entered the enclosure. I started coughing, and coughing. I continued not to feel well with a hurting chest until well after I'd gotten home. It seems her "pool company" messed up the chemicals.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Food for thought...have you checked the Environmental Health or equivilant department in your area regarding the regulations for Hot Tubs? They got so strict in our state that a few inns took them off their amenities list. I opted for a sauna instead so I wouldn't have to deal with them. It is a hit.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I would suggest a nominal $5 increase in the room rate to cover the spa. Additional fees are not good guest management.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I would suggest a nominal $5 increase in the room rate to cover the spa. Additional fees are not good guest management.
MooseTrax said:
I would suggest a nominal $5 increase in the room rate to cover the spa. Additional fees are not good guest management.
I guess $5 would not kill anyone...thanks Moose
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
32 cents? That beats here by a mile and we are the most expensive state in the northeast for utilities. You need to add that $5 to the room price. And maybe don't offer the expensive welcome amenities unless there is a lot of competition for business near you. A simple tray of cookies or cake is all I think most guests look for.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
We do much like you and we too rather loose some of the rate then loose the whole room. But there again, peole want more for less. Yes , the economy is tough and people don't think that we as innkeepers are might in the same boat. Bills go up and revenue down.
Once we get the tub we just have to see how it works out.
Thanks for your input :)
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
No one will pay for it. Sorry, but people are used to just having it there as an amenity.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
32 cents? That beats here by a mile and we are the most expensive state in the northeast for utilities. You need to add that $5 to the room price. And maybe don't offer the expensive welcome amenities unless there is a lot of competition for business near you. A simple tray of cookies or cake is all I think most guests look for.
I do not do any of the "welcoming goodies". Guests come at such odd times it would be a waste. I send them off with a "care package" of muffins. That and the basket of bananas, apples, and sometimes a couple packages of crackers in the basket on the dresser is all they are going to get here. At $1.99 per pound those big apples are not cheap, but I am not baking all day or heating up the kitchen even for an hour.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
We do much like you and we too rather loose some of the rate then loose the whole room. But there again, peole want more for less. Yes , the economy is tough and people don't think that we as innkeepers are might in the same boat. Bills go up and revenue down.
Once we get the tub we just have to see how it works out.
Thanks for your input :)
Mooseberry said: But there again, people want more for less
How true!
I had a call tonight who was on our website when she called. She was looking for a specific Sat. night and wondered if we had any cancellations....she could see right on the site that we have our Cottage available and because of the way the reservations lined up, we had it available for only 1 night (which she wanted) even though we have a 2 night minimum. She said she didn't need that much space (code speak for she didn't want to spend that much), and wanted to know if there was another place in the area which was like us. Well, noooooo, no other place offers what we do. She kept asking over and over....I gave her the name of another b&b, but she was looking for something more. No, only motels. She wanted everything we offer which are a lot of special amenities, but didn't want to pay for them. Then she tells me it's her wedding night. What?!?!?!?!?! Including tax, the Cottage is only $19 more than the other suites.
All the extra amenities we offer costs us a lot of money. I already have that room at a reduced rate, not the premium rate I would typically charge for a 1 night stay and I won't go down any further. For it to be open for a single night reservation on a Sat night is rare, so I know I'll fill it. If people want the double tubs, fireplaces, etc they can't expect to get it cheap. I can't and won't reduce my rates to compete with a motel or even another b&b that offers a more simple stay.
Now, some of you may think I should have lowered my rate because it will be her honeymoon...I've had 5 different honeymooners just this week alone. I just can't run my business on sentimentality...somebody has to pay the bills around here.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
We do much like you and we too rather loose some of the rate then loose the whole room. But there again, peole want more for less. Yes , the economy is tough and people don't think that we as innkeepers are might in the same boat. Bills go up and revenue down.
Once we get the tub we just have to see how it works out.
Thanks for your input :)
Mooseberry said: But there again, people want more for less
How true!
I had a call tonight who was on our website when she called. She was looking for a specific Sat. night and wondered if we had any cancellations....she could see right on the site that we have our Cottage available and because of the way the reservations lined up, we had it available for only 1 night (which she wanted) even though we have a 2 night minimum. She said she didn't need that much space (code speak for she didn't want to spend that much), and wanted to know if there was another place in the area which was like us. Well, noooooo, no other place offers what we do. She kept asking over and over....I gave her the name of another b&b, but she was looking for something more. No, only motels. She wanted everything we offer which are a lot of special amenities, but didn't want to pay for them. Then she tells me it's her wedding night. What?!?!?!?!?! Including tax, the Cottage is only $19 more than the other suites.
All the extra amenities we offer costs us a lot of money. I already have that room at a reduced rate, not the premium rate I would typically charge for a 1 night stay and I won't go down any further. For it to be open for a single night reservation on a Sat night is rare, so I know I'll fill it. If people want the double tubs, fireplaces, etc they can't expect to get it cheap. I can't and won't reduce my rates to compete with a motel or even another b&b that offers a more simple stay.
Now, some of you may think I should have lowered my rate because it will be her honeymoon...I've had 5 different honeymooners just this week alone. I just can't run my business on sentimentality...somebody has to pay the bills around here.
WHAT? (gasp) I am not special enough with MY honeymoon for you to just GIVE me everything on a silver platter? Horrors! It is MY wedding night and YOU should make it special. Your bills are not my problem. Having everything I want, MY way, at MY price is what is important here. Didn't anyone ever tell you that?
Sheesh! I can see a certain bride being in for a lot of life's surprises down the road.........
I have a swim spa at my place. I do not allow guests to use it. It is for my personal use only. The extra cost to run the spa is approximately $50.00 per month just for electricity. The winter time is much higher. Chemicals are expensive. Upkeep is tough. I do not want anyone else in my water! Just my opinion; for what it is worth. People understand when I tell them I have psoriasis and cannot mix other people in my water due to the fact I can catch bad stuff from them if not sanitized at all times. Sometimes, the sanitation levelsfalls below what will kill germs, etc.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
No, I didn't say YOU were out to nickel and dime anybody, but that could be a perception created by itemizing additional charges to any signle guest.
I completely understand, empathize and can fully appreciate the unique pressures these economic times are presenting to all of us. These times will pass and folks will again see the value in things instead of the current trend of forcing value out of everything they purchase even when something as personal as a vacation is involved.
We're closing in on our normal 65-70% occupancy for this month but revenue is down almost 20%. That's the price we have to pay to endure tough economic times. These are extraordinary times that most of us under 70 have never had to deal with. Pick any economic indicator for most of our "average" guest income brackets and times are tough.
We're thanking our lucky stars everyday that even this many folks are still vacationing at all.
I can't tell you how to reconcile discounting demands except for how we do it. We consider it part of our "advertising" and really knock ourselves out to NOT treat discounted guests worse or of less value than our full paying guests. They are our future returning clientele and this is a golden opportunity to not only remain afloat ourselves through tough times, but also to forge future relationships with guests by providing excellent experiences for them even though they know they beat us down on the rates a bit.
I don't find it hard to "sell" the value of our place at all over the phone, via emails, whatever...... Tell it like it is, you offer a lot and if it takes you a couple of minutes to explain it to them, they will respect you more than if you dismiss them the instant they seek a discount.
We occassionally offer a minimal discount to a fence sitter on the phone or to someone who just really sounds nice on the phone. We'd rather fill our house with friendly, interesting, engaging folks at 95-90% of full rate than roll the dice and keep offering rooms on the second party reservation systems where you don't know a flippin' thing about people or how they'll act once they arrive at a bigger reduction.
We put out baked goodies, the fridge is full of complimentary beverages, we do a social hour refreshment like you (except for the wine), we have a self serve tea/coffee bar which some people really take advantage of but we just can't be trivial about fretting over the amenities that have put us on the map to begin with.
All of our rooms have different rates, but the "house or "common" amenities are all the same. Our rates are based mostly on bed size, room size, but also on the overall experience and general amenities.
We do much like you and we too rather loose some of the rate then loose the whole room. But there again, peole want more for less. Yes , the economy is tough and people don't think that we as innkeepers are might in the same boat. Bills go up and revenue down.
Once we get the tub we just have to see how it works out.
Thanks for your input :)
Mooseberry said: But there again, people want more for less
How true!
I had a call tonight who was on our website when she called. She was looking for a specific Sat. night and wondered if we had any cancellations....she could see right on the site that we have our Cottage available and because of the way the reservations lined up, we had it available for only 1 night (which she wanted) even though we have a 2 night minimum. She said she didn't need that much space (code speak for she didn't want to spend that much), and wanted to know if there was another place in the area which was like us. Well, noooooo, no other place offers what we do. She kept asking over and over....I gave her the name of another b&b, but she was looking for something more. No, only motels. She wanted everything we offer which are a lot of special amenities, but didn't want to pay for them. Then she tells me it's her wedding night. What?!?!?!?!?! Including tax, the Cottage is only $19 more than the other suites.
All the extra amenities we offer costs us a lot of money. I already have that room at a reduced rate, not the premium rate I would typically charge for a 1 night stay and I won't go down any further. For it to be open for a single night reservation on a Sat night is rare, so I know I'll fill it. If people want the double tubs, fireplaces, etc they can't expect to get it cheap. I can't and won't reduce my rates to compete with a motel or even another b&b that offers a more simple stay.
Now, some of you may think I should have lowered my rate because it will be her honeymoon...I've had 5 different honeymooners just this week alone. I just can't run my business on sentimentality...somebody has to pay the bills around here.
We get that "we don't need that much room" comment too and our rooms are small. What it means here is "we don't need 2 beds, so just charge us for the 1". So I don't mention the rooms have 2 beds if someone is just on the phone.
It's amazing that after spending a usually very large pile of money on a wedding someone would cheat themselves on their honeymoon night.
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something..
catlady said:
We too have the silver ion sanitizer and also the ozonator on our hot tub. Of course, It is only me that uses it.
As far as your questions. I wouldn't charge any extra to guests because of it. That is just an added amenity for them and say cost of doing business. I would set a limit on the hours of use so that no one is disturbed at night. Say 11 pm. Deadline...or whatever. I forget how many rooms you have, but if not many, then I don't think a reservation is necessary, but some time of sign limiting the amount of time in the hot tub so someone won't "hog it" for themselves.
Actually I think 15 -20 min is the max recomended time for being in a hot tub according to health experts. So it makes me wonder why they put flat screen tv's in some of them. You shouldn't sit in there for hours on end watching a game or something.
I have 5 rooms and the tb does have the ozonator.
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
Tim_Toad_HLB said:
Mooseberry Inn said:
Most friends and family I spoke to they said to charge $10.00 per person or room for the use instaed of raising the room cost.
yes, it is an extra ammenity and a speny one at that. especially when the motors are running.
I'm of the mind that it is an amenity, period. It is available just like your "complimentary" breakfast is to all your guests. Its like A/C. They are spendy to put in and they do run up the electric bill, but if you get too nit picky about individualizing the cost of running something, then you appear cheap and tacky to people.
The added cost of electricity is buried in the room rate and our higher summer sesson rates more than compensate for the extra usage.
We get many folks who despite it cooling off to the 50's every night refusing to open a window and run the A/C all night, but we don't lay in bed at night fretting over it.
We have a highly energy efficient hot tub and have invested in Energy Star A/C units that are well matched for the room size, so they aren't overworking to provide decent cooling.
Nobody likes to get nickeled and dimed with lots of extra little charges.
Go look at some TA reviews of big resorts that charge "resort fees" "spa & pool usage fees" "mini-bar fees" , etc.
Those kind of things are often critiqued and especially at more expensive properties. I often get the impression from the reviewers that they just want one all inclusive price and no surprises when they go to pay the bill.
Its part of the total package you offer and they can use it or choose not to, but its part of your capital outlays and every guest who stays with you should be contributing to paying for such improvements. Its only fair and the its the easiest way to never have it backfire on you.
How would you even consistently monitor and charge people for it?
Also, unless you stick around all day and night and watch people like a hawk how could you tell who used it and who didn't? Add in the potential problem of somebody being stealthy about sneaking in, soaking and going to great lengths to conceal they had used the tub and you've got another headache.
I can just picture a dispute about it already.
Them: "What's this extra $10 charge on my bill?"
You: "Oh, thats the hot tub usage fee"
Them: "I didn't use the hot tub"
You: "I saw you use it last night"
Them: " No I didn't, and what do you spy on your guests?"
You: " But your "spa" towels were wet when I cleaned your room"
Them: We used them after a shower"
See how silly it could get?
I can see where you coming from and it is totally understandable.
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
Maybe I just have to raise my rates then because I can't afford to keep giving more and receive less.
We offer cheese platters and wine at arrival, free sodas, freshe baked goodies every day, snacks in their rooms....and then some.
It is hard to tell people over the phone what all we have to offer when all they want is a room rate and diiscount.
I do give discounts and it does not hurt me, but I give discounts to guests who do not ask for one and then still complain we are too expensive, which we are not. Very competitive rates with the other B&B's around.
Energy efficient or not, our rate here is 32 cents per KW.....and rising.
Different rooms have different price tags, no matter where we go. If one or another ammentity would not make a difference, then why have different room rates to begin with> How about a $80.00 across the board for everyone,, sleazy roadside hotel or upscale resort. If it's just another ammenity, why even bother?
I am not out to nickle and dime anyone to death, but on the other hand, every single call I get anymore they demand discounts. Discount this, discount that. Well heck, how about you stay for free and I even give you a few bucks before you leave.
LOL Would you like the keys to the car today? Got any bills you need paid? Can I give you a hand with your luggage and your college tuition?

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