Turning the Tables

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Can you imagine if all the b&b booking sites requested emails ... or if b&b's did that? Or do b&b booking sites do it too?
I will be watching that email address to see if I get a lot of ads now.
We've had that happen to us and we are on the phone to every inn in the area until we find a room. And we would pay the difference if there is one.
I once offered a guy our storage room that had a bed in it for $50. He took us up on it. (We were moving at the time. The room is lovely now.)
Inexcusable. Unless there is a Holiday Inn next door, they should help..
not where I am lol HI has a 5% constant over booking policy! we help them more than they help us lol
TA keeps aggressively trying to get me to download their app if I use my phone. I really don't want to go there.
Definitely wrong way to handle the over booking.
I did this once long ago which made me start using Webers way back when!
I made them a reservation at the only place around that had a room. I paid for the stay (one night) which was more than what I charge.
We have hosted over bookings from a couple of hotels and the hotels covered the room each time.
Because he gave them his credit card info and they took a deposit he should complain to his credit card company. It used to be, and may still be so, if you have a confirmed reservation, deposit taken, the overbooked property is supposed to find you another place to stay and pay for it.
He can at least see if they will do something for him. Even if it's just contacting the property.
That's terrible and so disappointing for them!
I was terribly sick one time (with no back up) and called other inns, negotiated the price, and secured rooms for my guests. Then, called the guests and gave them the option to take those rooms or try local hotels instead. They all opted to take the other B&B rooms & called them with their credit card info. Since we didn't take deposits, the guests did not have to be refunded money. The guests were very understanding...mostly I guess because I sounded so awful!
I felt it was the least I could do....
Thank you for all your suggestions. They made a replacement reservation through air but were confused about whether or not it's a b&b ... the owner referred to it as a b&b but there is no sign outside. A b&b wanabee? I have a feeling the place they stayed is a vacation home that the owners rent out rooms in when they are not using it (shared kitchen) private bath.
They had a nice time with their friends, but they were definitely not on the water as shown in the ad pictures! and not on the water as was the the original destination. I think the ad says 'near' beach in tiny print, even though pictures of ocean outside the windows are shown. They were just glad to have a place to stay but were asking where the water view pictures were taken ... maybe from the roof.
She (my daughter in law) filed a complaint with their credit card company about the first place. I'm sure they'll be posting on TA at some point.
Thank you for all your suggestions. They made a replacement reservation through air but were confused about whether or not it's a b&b ... the owner referred to it as a b&b but there is no sign outside. A b&b wanabee? I have a feeling the place they stayed is a vacation home that the owners rent out rooms in when they are not using it (shared kitchen) private bath.
They had a nice time with their friends, but they were definitely not on the water as shown in the ad pictures! and not on the water as was the the original destination. I think the ad says 'near' beach in tiny print, even though pictures of ocean outside the windows are shown. They were just glad to have a place to stay but were asking where the water view pictures were taken ... maybe from the roof.
She (my daughter in law) filed a complaint with their credit card company about the first place. I'm sure they'll be posting on TA at some point..
I read a complaint on air about a place in my town that stated pretty much the same thing about the views. Photos taken from one location, but the place for rent is behind that building so you don't have those views.
People across the street used to claim water views and you couldn't even see the pool from the rooms, much less the ocean.