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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Had a call earlier for a GC. Tried to explain that it is easier to get the GC for a specific dollar amount, rather than a specific room. Nothing doing...his specific dollar amount was $129.84. That was all he was paying. One room night + tax, off season, cheap room.
Now how the heck am I supposed to make out the GC? "One hundred twenty nine dollars and eighty four cents to be used toward your room." I am so tempted to round up so at least it is $130. I don't care if I then have to refund them the 16 cents. I'm out 32 cents then, but who cares. What I am NOT doing is making it out for 'One night's stay,' and then having them pick the most expensive room because they don't know (or worse, DO know).
Any opinions?
Do it for exactly that amount, or no more than $130 (if you don't mind eating the 16 cents). That guy is watching his pennies and he doesn't care that you know it - why worry about whether the recipients know it? Let it be on him.
If you really don't want them to know, make it out for Room 1, Jan to April Mon through Thurs only, or whatever the restrictions are, and put a note on it that upgrades from any of that will require an additional charge. Then you can decide how nice you want to be when they redeem it.
Yes, do the exact amount, not by room and dates valid at that rate. By doing it for the exact amount, you are safe if you must raise rates and collect the difference if the GC is used after your price increase.
I have tried several different ways to do GC's and have come to realize (IMHO) that it is easier to only issue GC's in even dollar amounts.
Just make it out for "a one night stay in the XXXX room" on the certificate. I did that all the time with mine. That will work.
i tried to be flexible with the gc's.
after all, gc's can be marketing tools ... bringing someone new to your door who might not ever have stayed with you if not for the gc. and how flattering is that, someone giving a nite's stay at YOUR place? of all the places in the area?
if you have the name and address of the recipient,(i assume you do) i'd send along a mailing in a week or so with a brochure or rack card, and a little note explaining rates by season, nearby attractions, and how wonderful a time they will have when they stay with you.
most challenging for me was redeeming time because there was no payment due.
after explaining that the gc was for $$ and we could happily upgrade their room for $26.75 ... $25 plus 7% tax.
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
Well, here's what I decided to do after thinking it over last night...who am I to determine what anyone is willing to spend or how odd something looks? Maybe this is some sort of running joke with this family...son always sends some oddball thing. So, it gets made out for the exact dollar amount. Maybe he owes them that exact amount, who knows!
Making it out for 'X room' with no conditions means they could show in the summer and get a $40+ discount.
My mother and I went back and forth for YEARS sending each other something or other with Bill Clinton's picture on it. If someone had seen that and thought, 'How strange, I think they should be sending pix of Harrison Ford instead,' and then went and messed up our running game, I'd be upset. So, he gets what he asked for. And I'll send along the usual info about what there is to do here and the prices moving forward.
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
We did just a little better than 50% of last year's gift certificate sales for the holidays. We switched to all dollar amount sales for this season since we plan to raise our rates in April. I don't know anyone who's done as well as last year for gift certificate sales. It would be interesting to hear about gift card sales, though - like the bandb.com gcs?
Glad you worked it out.
This is my take, "Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jones. One night stay at Red Cedar Lodge in the Red Room"
versus "Gift Cert for $128.74 at Red Cedar Lodge"
This is the reason I do not do dollar amounts. For the innkeeper it is easier and preferred, for the recipient it is tacky. I won't do it that way, it is just the way it is here. The gift is not the dollar amt, if it were then they could just give them the money in an envelope. It is the One Night Stay and rcvd with a lovely rack card.
Glad you worked it out.
This is my take, "Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jones. One night stay at Red Cedar Lodge in the Red Room"
versus "Gift Cert for $128.74 at Red Cedar Lodge"
This is the reason I do not do dollar amounts. For the innkeeper it is easier and preferred, for the recipient it is tacky. I won't do it that way, it is just the way it is here. The gift is not the dollar amt, if it were then they could just give them the money in an envelope. It is the One Night Stay and rcvd with a lovely rack card..
You might all remember my big GC snafoo earlier this summer. That provoked a lot of thinking on our part, as the biggest problem in that situation was that the person had a GC for "The Red Room for two nights". So this year we decided to do GC's in $25 increments only. We haven't had a problem, had a few people ask what typical room rates are and I told them, they went to the next lowest $25. The dollar amount GC's will never expire, so that's one less issue we'll have to worry about moving forward.
I was very surprised that we outsold 2007 GC's in both quantity and dollar amount. I'm hopeful that means good things for bookings in 2009.
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
Bree said:
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
For once in my life I figured out the perfect gift for my sister and family in Ireland and my parents, GC to restaurants they like. Ruby Tuesday, Olive Garden, where they can use it anywhere in the USA.
With so many businesses going under I was not willing to buy them. Instead the usual $25 in postage to mail gifts. Bugs me. I won't buy the GC's any more.
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
Bree said:
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
For once in my life I figured out the perfect gift for my sister and family in Ireland and my parents, GC to restaurants they like. Ruby Tuesday, Olive Garden, where they can use it anywhere in the USA.
With so many businesses going under I was not willing to buy them. Instead the usual $25 in postage to mail gifts. Bugs me. I won't buy the GC's any more.
Gosh I hate to be that pessimistic to think that Olive Garden, etc..would go under in a year:-(
I just gave my mom several Wal Mart Gift Cards....I know they aren't going under:) IF they do..then watch out world we are all going under!!!
Glad you worked it out.
This is my take, "Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jones. One night stay at Red Cedar Lodge in the Red Room"
versus "Gift Cert for $128.74 at Red Cedar Lodge"
This is the reason I do not do dollar amounts. For the innkeeper it is easier and preferred, for the recipient it is tacky. I won't do it that way, it is just the way it is here. The gift is not the dollar amt, if it were then they could just give them the money in an envelope. It is the One Night Stay and rcvd with a lovely rack card..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
Glad you worked it out.
This is my take, "Congratulations Mr & Mrs Jones. One night stay at Red Cedar Lodge in the Red Room"
versus "Gift Cert for $128.74 at Red Cedar Lodge"
This is the reason I do not do dollar amounts. For the innkeeper it is easier and preferred, for the recipient it is tacky. I won't do it that way, it is just the way it is here. The gift is not the dollar amt, if it were then they could just give them the money in an envelope. It is the One Night Stay and rcvd with a lovely rack card.
It's good as far as it goes. I, for one tho, am not willing to front those guests, or their relatives, $40+ because they don't want to stay when their GC was purchased for. And there is no way you can tell them on the phone that they have to pony up the extra money because they don't know what was spent and all of a sudden, their nice stay is ruined because they think you're trying to cheat them. Because most GC's are one-offs and those folks never show up again, I'm not even building up new clientele by taking a hit on the price of the room.
Yes, it's tacky to have the price on the GC, but with the prevalence of GC's from every quarter now, people are used to seeing $$$ on their GC.
And then there are the people who think they are 'stuck' with the 'Red Room' because that's what the GC says. They look online, they don't like, they stuff the GC in a drawer and never look back. I like the $$$ amount because it's relatively open-ended. Spend this much on whatever room fits, or on whatever room you want and pay the diff.
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
Bree said:
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
For once in my life I figured out the perfect gift for my sister and family in Ireland and my parents, GC to restaurants they like. Ruby Tuesday, Olive Garden, where they can use it anywhere in the USA.
With so many businesses going under I was not willing to buy them. Instead the usual $25 in postage to mail gifts. Bugs me. I won't buy the GC's any more.
Gosh I hate to be that pessimistic to think that Olive Garden, etc..would go under in a year:-(
I just gave my mom several Wal Mart Gift Cards....I know they aren't going under:) IF they do..then watch out world we are all going under!!!
catlady said:
Gosh I hate to be that pessimistic to think that Olive Garden, etc..would go under in a year:-(
I just gave my mom several Wal Mart Gift Cards....I know they aren't going under:) IF they do..then watch out world we are all going under!!!
Wal Mart seems to be the only GC's to give - but I have done that so many times. Mervyn's shut down in CA! I loved that store. I would not guarantee any place be open in a year. I am not being pessimistic, in fact I hope the overabundance of worthless places do go out of business and we actually get some good service for a change. Maybe people will actually have to work hard. Maybe a clerk would do more than RING UP YOUR SALE and pick up their pay check.
Did I mention the BLT both kids ordered at Denny's that had NO B and NO T? It was lettuce on bread barely toasted. Apparently they ran out of the B and the T and it was our problem. Even the manager had no solution. WHAT THE?
I ordered the super bird so I was also minus the B and the T but had turkey and swiss on bread, so they ended up with that. Were we refunded? Nope, we were treated like BAD customers, it was our fault we had no B or T on a BLT that cost total $15+tax for two plates. DENNY'S!
Remember when you had to have experience to work some place? With all the gazillion restaurants in SD when I was 16 I could not get a job at any of them until I started out at Sizzler's and got experience.
Now you cannot go out to eat and get what you ordered, let alone THE BLASTED PLATES PICKED UP when you are done eating or the check when you need to go.
It is not here, I travel, I can name fifty cities where this is the case, and has been the case. Crappy service 100%, take your order, bring out something, many times one plate at a time, food never proper temp and then leave.
When self-service started, the only thing people thought of was the dime they saved - and I think it started at gas stations and more than anything because getting kids to pump gas was getting harder to find. I even got hired to pump gas (and I got tips because I was smart enough to wear my roller skating outfit to pump the gas!).People stopped thinking about the checking the oil, wash the windshield, check the other fluid levels.
Then K-Mart and Topps and Hart's started doing self-serve retail (but you saved money) and then WallyWorld showed them how to really do it - no service, prices dictated to vendors for profit, build out of city limits to avoid city taxes, cut prices to less than Mom & Pop can buy it wholesale until they are driven out of business, and now we have a world where serveice is not to be found BUT the stores that are starting to realize the people want service and ar providing it, are getting business coming back to them.
WE (the B & B industry) fill that need for service and as long as we do, we will succeed. My opinion anyway...
Question - I know you don't put an expiration date on yours, so it is more difficult - but if he wanted The Red Room and it is $129.84 total w/tax why not just make it out for the RED ROOM?
"One in the hand is better than two in the field."
If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate.
I have only sold two GC for a dollar amount. I know we have had this discussion many times, I typically put "Your choice of x, y, or z" or the two higher priced rooms if that is what the guest purchaser requests. I also will do this - if they choose a lower priced room then they will have a bouquet of flowers in their room from you.
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under..
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
Bree said:
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
I also discount GC's like I discount room rates. Going back to the "one in the hand..." theory. Gee did you know I didn't even sell ONE GC for Christmas this year, not one! I think, understandably, people are worried too many businesses are going under.
There was just an article in the paper here that GC sales were down across the board. The explanation given was that people wanted a gift in hand vs giving a set dollar amount. Well, THAT sounds like my guy here! But, I like your explanation better...people afraid that the store will go out of business before the GC is redeemed.
This is the second GC for the holidays this year. The others were sold earlier in the year (a couple of 'thank yous' and a couple of wedding gifts.)
For once in my life I figured out the perfect gift for my sister and family in Ireland and my parents, GC to restaurants they like. Ruby Tuesday, Olive Garden, where they can use it anywhere in the USA.
With so many businesses going under I was not willing to buy them. Instead the usual $25 in postage to mail gifts. Bugs me. I won't buy the GC's any more.
Gosh I hate to be that pessimistic to think that Olive Garden, etc..would go under in a year:-(
I just gave my mom several Wal Mart Gift Cards....I know they aren't going under:) IF they do..then watch out world we are all going under!!!
catlady said:
Gosh I hate to be that pessimistic to think that Olive Garden, etc..would go under in a year:-(
I just gave my mom several Wal Mart Gift Cards....I know they aren't going under:) IF they do..then watch out world we are all going under!!!
Wal Mart seems to be the only GC's to give - but I have done that so many times. Mervyn's shut down in CA! I loved that store. I would not guarantee any place be open in a year. I am not being pessimistic, in fact I hope the overabundance of worthless places do go out of business and we actually get some good service for a change. Maybe people will actually have to work hard. Maybe a clerk would do more than RING UP YOUR SALE and pick up their pay check.
Did I mention the BLT both kids ordered at Denny's that had NO B and NO T? It was lettuce on bread barely toasted. Apparently they ran out of the B and the T and it was our problem. Even the manager had no solution. WHAT THE?
I ordered the super bird so I was also minus the B and the T but had turkey and swiss on bread, so they ended up with that. Were we refunded? Nope, we were treated like BAD customers, it was our fault we had no B or T on a BLT that cost total $15+tax for two plates. DENNY'S!
Remember when you had to have experience to work some place? With all the gazillion restaurants in SD when I was 16 I could not get a job at any of them until I started out at Sizzler's and got experience.
Now you cannot go out to eat and get what you ordered, let alone THE BLASTED PLATES PICKED UP when you are done eating or the check when you need to go.
It is not here, I travel, I can name fifty cities where this is the case, and has been the case. Crappy service 100%, take your order, bring out something, many times one plate at a time, food never proper temp and then leave.
Holy cow! You do get them. I know I listen to guests complain when they don't like the service or the food around here. But, 9 times out of 10, the comments are all good.
I cannot believe you were served a lettuce sandwich and told to lump it. You have THE worst luck with 'parts' being left out of your food. Remind me never to go to another restaurant with you!
When self-service started, the only thing people thought of was the dime they saved - and I think it started at gas stations and more than anything because getting kids to pump gas was getting harder to find. I even got hired to pump gas (and I got tips because I was smart enough to wear my roller skating outfit to pump the gas!).People stopped thinking about the checking the oil, wash the windshield, check the other fluid levels.
Then K-Mart and Topps and Hart's started doing self-serve retail (but you saved money) and then WallyWorld showed them how to really do it - no service, prices dictated to vendors for profit, build out of city limits to avoid city taxes, cut prices to less than Mom & Pop can buy it wholesale until they are driven out of business, and now we have a world where serveice is not to be found BUT the stores that are starting to realize the people want service and ar providing it, are getting business coming back to them.
WE (the B & B industry) fill that need for service and as long as we do, we will succeed. My opinion anyway....
gillumhouse said:
When self-service started, the only thing people thought of was the dime they saved - and I think it started at gas stations and more than anything because getting kids to pump gas was getting harder to find. I even got hired to pump gas (and I got tips because I was smart enough to wear my roller skating outfit to pump the gas!).People stopped thinking about the checking the oil, wash the windshield, check the other fluid levels.
Do you know how much I BEGGED to be taken to the 'Automat' in Manhattan so I could get my own sandwich out of the 'wall'? And my mother saying each and everytime, 'I don't know how long that sandwich has been sitting there, we're going to Macy's and eat in the luncheonette where I can watch them make the sandwich fresh.'
To this day, I still wonder how long those sandwiches sat there...
BTW, you cannot pump your own gas in NJ.
JBJ stated: "If the rates go up, does it matter? He bought the room at the current rate."
Sorry I disagree with this statement...They purchased a GC for X price which WAS the current 'off peak' price of the "Red Room". The room is not sold until the reservation is set. That could be next week or 2 years from now during peak rate season. By then the rates could have increased 2 times plus it being peak vis off peak rates.
Another reason I disagree is if the property is sold prior to the GC use. If the GC is for 'the Red Room", then the current value of that room (ave. price) would be subtracted from the property sale. If I had a good number of outstanding GC's when I sold, I sure would not want to fork over any more money than what I had received for them in the first place.
JBJ - on another note: You mentioned service problems. I could not agree more!!! This is another area which B&B's surpass our many competitors in the hotel industry! SERVICE - A #1 (can't remember what company used that as a slogan?)