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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
So, I get an email saying no one is finding my website and they can prove that by my checking my Alexa rating. Go to the Alexa site and try to find your website. OK, I did. And, hey, guess what? There I was. Wrong info, which I corrected. And I'm NOT 20 or 30 million in ranking. I'm not in the top 500, either, but heck, I'm ok with that.
Also, only shows 9 sites linking in to mine, kinda like Google does.
That email that said that was just spam. I'm sure they never even looked for your site...they reference Alexa because, unless you are in the top 500 it looks bad at first glance. So they are safe saying things like that...anybody that knows better would never hire them anyway so they prey on everyone else.
I went on the site. It was interesting. If you put in your website address you can look back on the history of your webpage and how it has evolved throughout the years.
That email that said that was just spam. I'm sure they never even looked for your site...they reference Alexa because, unless you are in the top 500 it looks bad at first glance. So they are safe saying things like that...anybody that knows better would never hire them anyway so they prey on everyone else..
Oh. definitely spam. Just got me curious. The parting shot was, 'If you don't want anyone to ever find your website, you can opt out of emailings here.'
I am 11 million plus in rank and have 20 links in. Neat looking back too. This site was 3 mollion plus in rank. Not bad for being so new!
If anyone else tests their website, would you mind commenting on how many incoming links you have? If I only show 9 and not even all of the ones I pay for show up (but incoming free links from other B&B's DO) I wonder what's wrong.
If anyone else tests their website, would you mind commenting on how many incoming links you have? If I only show 9 and not even all of the ones I pay for show up (but incoming free links from other B&B's DO) I wonder what's wrong..
Alexa's list of incoming links is nearly as useless and deceiving as Google's. Google skews them by design. You'll get much more accurate info by using the link: command in Yahoo (go to yahoo and search for "" without the quotes)
You can also get pretty meaningful numbers by registering your site with Google webmaster tools and then looking at the links from within webmaster tools.