American Bed & Breakfast Inns[/h3]I just received a soliticitation from this company and wondered if any of you had any knowledge or experience with them.
<sarcasm> Order now before midnight tonight (before you come to your senses) and you can get a listing in our brand new, not yet visible, directory for only $279 per year ... That's a 20% savings over what we'll be charging after you can see what we have to offer. </sarcasm>
Dump it to your spam seems to be yet another new directory hoping to make money with nothing to show for it.
I just got that, too and I opened it because I recognized the sender's name. Looked at the website but really can't tell what the 'directory' will look like, if it IS a directory or another PAII, and it looks like you get advertising on the page with your listing, which I don't like.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jason and I am one of the owners of American Bed and Breakfast Inns. First off, I would like to say, what a great site is; an excellent way for Innkeepers to get useful, unbiased advice or guidance from each other. I also wanted to clear up some misconceptions that may be out there about us. We completely understand the initial skepticism that we are just another directory, but we really are different and we encourage you to try us out. We are first and foremost, a video production company; and second, a video-based directory. We provide a promotional video based on your existing photography, including narration and music for $349 and host it for you on 8 video social networking sites just like ours. Check out our latest, Rachel and Ron’s beautiful Andon Reid Inn . For $349 they got there video produced, and uploaded to all those sites and have had about 75 views of their video in just 2 days, since Sunday.
We also produce live action, shot-on-location commercial quality videos on a quote basis.
Please take the time to visit us and see that we are very different, a whole new idea.