Android overtakes RIM

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May 22, 2008
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Internet Travel Monitor - Technology Bits
March 9, 2011
Google Android Overtakes RIM, Apple
LOS ANGELES, CA - Google Android surged past RIM BlackBerry to become the most popular smartphone platform in the US, accounting for 31.2% of market share as of January 2011, up 7.7 percentage points from the previous three-month period, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service.
Ranked second, RIM accounted for 30.4% of market share as of January, down 5.4 percentage points (PPs) from the previous three-month period, followed by Apple with 24.7%. Microsoft and Palm both lost ground as of January, accounting for 8.0% and 3.2%, respectively.

Some 65.8 million people in the US owned smartphones as of January, up 8% from the previous three-month period.
For full survey information, visit MarketingProfs.
gillumhouse said:
Some 65.8 million people in the US owned smartphones as of January, up 8% from the previous three-month period.
SmartPhones with browser capability were invented in 2001. I remember those BlackBerries. Could check email on the go and cost an arm and a leg each month, only executives could afford them.
The sales of smartphones in 2010 were up 72% and now they make up 19% of all cell phones in the US. I love my iPhone.
Facebook was launched in Feb 2004 for college kids. I still don't understand Facebook even though I've participated for 3 weeks now
Wonder if I'll ever get to liking Facebook. Wonder if I'll ever understand the marketing value of Facebook.
I knew there had been a paradigm shift when I noticed a billboard with yes, there is an app for ferry tickets to the island!