Car alarms

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Just thought I would mention this for no apparent reason...a car alarm in the hotel parking lot 2 blocks away has been going off for 2 hours now. It shuts off after 30-60 seconds, waits 2 minutes and starts up again. I guess they cannot hear it inside at the hotel. I'm going to have to close my windows or go crazy. If I were a guest THERE with a window overlooking that parking lot, I'd be complaining tout de suite.
Oh that is annoying. On occasion we have a guest here that will accidentally set theirs off. We always cringe hoping it didn't disturb everyone else.
When we were in the NWTA (Rev War living history) the artillery counted how well they did by how many car alarms went off during the battle. They fired cannon and mortars - a one pound coffee can of powder per firing (I think). They used a fortune in black powder in a season of reenactments.
Oh that is annoying. On occasion we have a guest here that will accidentally set theirs off. We always cringe hoping it didn't disturb everyone else..
At 8:30 I was getting ready to walk over to the parking lot and get the license number and ask at the front desk if they could track down the owner. By 9 PM, after the alarm going off more and more (it would only turn off for a minute) it stopped. Dead battery, owner finally found, someone beat the car to a pulp? I don't know.
4 hours.
I don't suppose you could call the hotel and ask them to look up whose car it is? (Now that it's too late, anyway...)
Oh that is annoying. On occasion we have a guest here that will accidentally set theirs off. We always cringe hoping it didn't disturb everyone else..
At 8:30 I was getting ready to walk over to the parking lot and get the license number and ask at the front desk if they could track down the owner. By 9 PM, after the alarm going off more and more (it would only turn off for a minute) it stopped. Dead battery, owner finally found, someone beat the car to a pulp? I don't know.
4 hours.
When we lived in midtown Manhattan, someone parked a car with a malfunctioning car alarm across the street from our building, in front of another apartment building, for the long Memorial Day weekend. Fortunately our bedroom was in the back away from the street, but it went off every 20 minutes or so all three days. By the time Monday rolled around, the car had been egged, written on with lipstick (and maybe worse) and had notes stuck all over it with a lot of unprintable words. I wouldn't have wanted to be the one to have to come back for that car.
I don't suppose you could call the hotel and ask them to look up whose car it is? (Now that it's too late, anyway...)
YellowSocks said:
I don't suppose you could call the hotel and ask them to look up whose car it is? (Now that it's too late, anyway...)
After an hour or so I was guessing they didn't know whose car it was or they would have taken care of it by then. I was going to call the police if I had to walk over there myself. Let them track down the name of the owner.