In my case, the cheap room is the smallest, and only has one small window and thus, to me, feels much less open, more closed in, almost claustrophobic, compared with the others. It's just not quite worth what the others are.
At the same time, there have been zero complaints and plenty of nice compliments by people who seemed to love staying in the room, so perhaps JB is right, just raise the rate to match the others.
On the other hand, since it's smaller it's probably a little easier to clean than the others, so pushing people into the others brings a little more cleaning work. But the others bring in a little more money. So many factors!
Needs more thought..
Arks said:
In my case, the cheap room is the smallest, and only has one small window and thus, to me, feels much less open, more closed in, almost claustrophobic, compared with the others. It's just not quite worth what the others are.
At the same time, there have been zero complaints and plenty of nice compliments by people who seemed to love staying in the room, so perhaps JB is right, just raise the rate to match the others.
On the other hand, since it's smaller it's probably a little easier to clean than the others, so pushing people into the others brings a little more cleaning work. But the others bring in a little more money. So many factors!
Needs more thought.
It could simply be birth order.
You have it listed in a way that people see it and book it. You use a word that is more appealing, a photo that makes it look bigger or anything at all, or it seems about the same and is less, so book it! In person I find that when we have diff rates we spend all of our time explaining why they are diff and I often wondered if we just made them all the same, even with diff amenities and shapes an sizes what would happen.
I know b-com and those just think of the rooms as rooms, we give them all personalities from the artwork to the bed linens.
I looked quickly and saw that the "next one up" in the price range is diff to the others, they all show beds and it shows an entry/foyer as the main image on rezkey.
and then on the rates page you show the less priced room with a beautiful Jacuzzi bath.
and on the comparison chart there are two others with similar sizes and cost $10 more, so I would pick the least priced too. I would raise it and make them the same. That is my thought.