For those who pay big bucks to the likes of professional photogs and web design, what do you do when you change out something in a room? Leave it right? The image is nice and who cares if something changes, like a quilt - as we obviousely have to change them out/buy new ones etc.
A person called who saw a small sofa in a particular room (which is now in another room) and called to see if her daughter could sleep on it. We don't do more than two to a room, except one suite that has a proper sofa bed for a third person - not child. Just wondering how often you get questions about things no longer in a room? I am certainly not retaking all the pics when I change the linens!
A person called who saw a small sofa in a particular room (which is now in another room) and called to see if her daughter could sleep on it. We don't do more than two to a room, except one suite that has a proper sofa bed for a third person - not child. Just wondering how often you get questions about things no longer in a room? I am certainly not retaking all the pics when I change the linens!