If they've fulfilled the requirements of the package, even if unknowingly, give it to them. If they did know about the package, and you don't give it to them, they could think you're trying to cheat them, which sets an ugly tone for their stay. If they did NOT know about it, didn't get it, but find out about it later (maybe overhearing about it at breakfast the next morning), you'll possibly end up with hurt feelings or a potential conflict on your hands.
If they didn't know about it, but you give it to them anyway, that's a pleasant surprise for them and a warm fuzzy for you.
Nasty surprises lead to nasty visits, but pleasant surprises lead to pleasant visits. You decide which you want.
edited to add: If they don't qualify for the package, I would go so far as to tell them about it, and give them the option of meeting the requirements. "You know, if you xxxx, I'll throw in a free dinner for you."