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May 22, 2008
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Himself is in recovery - they will be taking him to Critical Care once he wakes up. I came home once I found out he was going there (doc never said anything about that so I was waiting for over an hour). Doc said he will be coming home tomorrow (there goes my mini-vacation).
He did an "end-run" around the aneurysm - isolated it so it will cause no more problems. However - they found another one that is 3.2 and will not bother with that until it gets bigger. Joy! now I get to tell Himself he has another to look forward to. Heading back after I take care of some City stuff and e-mails (one e-mail is better than 9 texts)
And in today's mail I got a package from the Dept of Ag. My rack card got 3rd place in best B & B brochure or rack card (I figure there were prob 3 entries) and I got my ribbon..
Did I miss something? I didn't know he was in the hospital! From critical care to going home in less than 24 hours is amazing. Glad he's doing better and I know you'll make it work, no matter what happens.
Congrats on the ribbon!
Did I miss something? I didn't know he was in the hospital! From critical care to going home in less than 24 hours is amazing. Glad he's doing better and I know you'll make it work, no matter what happens.
Congrats on the ribbon!.
Because it was a iliac aneurysm and with his med history, I think it is just a precaution. Have told the kids about the second third (this was second) aneurysm that I am NOT gong to mention - yet - done my City Clerk duties, so am going back out to the hospital. Whoopee.
omy - every time I read these posts about your DH I am amazed at all he (and you) have gone through. take care.
Glad to hear all went well. Hope for a speedy recovery..
No incision - it was like he had a heart cath. Sigh, I was hoping for at least 3 days. Oh well - one night is better than nothing, even if I am too tired to enjoy it. At least there is no Steppin' Fetchitt tonight.
My condolences on your lost vacation and my congratulations on the swift hospital stay! Hope he is up and going strong soon!
So sorry for your long and scary night.
Congratulations on the ribbon.
Hope he feels better soon.
So sorry for your long and scary night.
Congratulations on the ribbon.
Hope he feels better soon..
Thanks. I had taken his clothes home & he woke me up at 8 this morning to ask where his clothes were. "They want me to be sitting up before I can go home."
So thinking he needed, I sort of rushed to get there, meaning indulged with 1/2 cup of coffee & ran. It is now almost noon and he is still in the bed -albeit in a sitting position with the bed - and he is now being ordered to get moving around. So he is NOW putting his brace on. I could have slept longer darn it. He is giving the poor nurse a hard time because she is insisting he IS going to get into the chair if he wants to go home. She did not realize he can no longer walk without the brace ( and is unwilling to even try to stand without it). Anyone who is assigned to him has my sympathy. It is what/when/how he wants - period!
I understand the "entitled" mentality because HE had polio so has always been given latitude.