Early Bird Grab and Go breakfast ideas

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2013
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Got any great ideas for an early bird bagged breakfast? We offer a grab and go breakfast for our guests who are on the road before we serve. In the past, I have included a yogurt cup, bagged granola, individually wrapped fig Newton bars, muffins, small bottle of juice, banana or apple.
I am looking to fancy it up a bit. I thought of Baby Bell cheese or string cheese, or Sargento Balanced Breaks. Maybe individual hummus dips? Also considering cutting fruit and putting it in a disposable cup with lid.
Do you have one?
I have done containers of my baked oatmeal (yes, it DOES taste good cold - I had a lady who requested it for her to-go) and you are already including the yogurt I put on it. I have also done egg cups - a couple slices of "deli-ham" lining regular-size muffin cups, add an egg, sprinkle herbs of choice, a dab of sour cream, shredded cheese & bake. I wrapped 2 per person in wax paper with the fruit etc. Another thing I have done is to make English muffin bread in an 8x8 pan. Also made my egg bake in another 8x8. Cut the bread like you were making it a layer cake. set the top aside, put bottom on top of the egg bake, flip, add bacon or sausage. Put the top on and cut into 6 pieces - breakfast sandwiches (you can do 1 of these per person. Wrap in wax paper. All of these have been a hit. They get everything except the juice in my to-go. I have to-go cups for their coffee.
I have said it before and I will say it again, your dedication to your guests and hospitality as a career and an art are the very best! Your ideas are great, that is, if I were getting up early to cook. We are winding down now.
my offer of an early bird breakfast is a bag of goodies on the doorknob before I go to bed. 🤣🤣

I love the baked oatmeal idea! Like you said, it doesn’t have to be served warm. I will dust off my baked oatmeal recipe. Good idea!

I don’t want to just give them a muffin and a bottle of juice, so I’m looking for something that is shelf stable, or at least doesn’t require refrigeration or cooking, that also isn’t all sweet.
it’s easy enough to toss in a granola bar, but I’m looking for something a bit more.
All the things I sent you can be done in advance. All are good even cold - I have guest testimony that affirms that claim. Re refrigeration - how do you do the yogurt? Resolution to problem - freeze a bottle of water. Wrap in paper towels to absorb the "bottle sweat" and put in the bag with the breakfast.
BeachHouse, from what I've read here over the years, you have taken a lot more interest in the second "B" of B and B since back when you started. As I recall, you started with a very basic continental breakfast, but have expanded to include some hot meals, and, most important to me, hot eggs!

I was just on your website, though, and other than the words "BREAKFAST INCLUDED" on the home page, I couldn't find a thing about breakfast. No photos, no mention of what to expect. For what it's worth, in my opinion you should give your breakfast a little more publicity on the website. Breakfast is important to people, and knowing the room rate saves them about $15 per person, by not having to drive and spend for breakfast, is a big plus! Just a suggestion. Only trying to help.
Thank you! Maybe not for everyone, but for us, the website is a chore. So, once it is done, that’s one thing off the list, so, we don’t revisit or revise. Your note is valuable. I will bring it up with Mr. Beach.

On a related subject, we are now the only inn in our membership offering complimentary hot breakfast. Two offer restaurant style, pay as you go and the rest only offer grab and go or continental.
It is sad that our industry is starting to fall into the AIR model of losing the second B. IF a good breakfast is no longer part of the stay, we lose what we are all about and what the name of our industry means. People might forget the name of the inn (nut not often) but they WILL remember that great breakfast long after the visit. Too many are starting to forget the importance of that breakfast.

Himself once overheard a returning couple coming into breakfast with friends (he had put the friends as the first to enter the dining room) say, "I told you, didn't I tell you?" He was remarking just on how I set the table. And he had also told them about how good the food was. They do remember.
I agree. I think Air has already ruined and bastardized the term B&B (why we changed our name to "Inn,") but breakfast is one of the many ways we can differentiate ourselves from a platform that people are only now starting to figure out is no bargain. Personal service, and being on hand to provide concierge-level service are others.
In marketing, I always taught that when competition tries to commoditize your industry, you have to differentiate yourself from them as fast and as strongly as possible.