QuirkS with an S!
I was shocked to hear, "This is the best stay in Miami we’ve ever had, and we’d like to book for next February" upon their departure. Why was I surprised? Because of a number of comments the Mrs. said during their stay which made me say to myself, "Say what?????"
First, we had no AC on the lower level (staterooms) on the day of their arrival. I had a service tech coming the next morning to fix it (it was a brand new $y$tem) and I wasn’t concerned because it was COLD - in the low 50s that night in MIAMI - you don’t need AC for those temps - you need blankets here. What she really wanted was the noise to drown out his snoring. Well, if she had told me THAT, she could have just run the fan to the AC system and gotten the same result, but she was upset that we didn’t have AC (cooling). I offered her a fan and she didn’t want it. I was not concerned because it was too chilly for it to kick on anyway.
Next, the water level in the toilet was too high. Huh???? I checked it and checked it and checked it, and could not make it duplicate the symptom she described. I even got out the food coloring to check for backflow/siphoning. She actually complained for HIM because he was concerned that "the boys were going to get wet." My business partner from out of town was here during that time and HE understood the concern. So, low and behold, I figured out they weren’t holding the button long enough when flushing the toilet for an airlock to be created and they were getting seawater siphoning back. I told her to hold the button longer. She didn’t want to, so I installed a siphon break on their toilet...on the yucky side...the things we do to make guests happy.
Next, we didn’t have Fox News on our Dish Network subscription. I switched to Direct TV which included that channel.
Next complaint was that the glass door was too clean and it was suggested that I put a large mural on it...not gonna happen.
Next up was that the boat was moving (rocking a little in the slip with the waves)....oh well...it is what it is...that’s why I warn you to keep the lid on the toilet closed because it could be your toothbrush that slides off the countertop into the toilet.
Next complaint...the doors leading out to the bow were a little sticky. I showed her how to open them by giving a very gentle push with your toe outward at the bottom of the door when you first begin to pull it open and the door slides just fine. "I don’t want to do that" was the response; couldn’t help it, but I said, "Stay outside then."
And the one that nearly put me over the edge...she asked for a cup to take to her room. Mind you that we keep the little disposible paper cups in the bathroom for toothbrushing, etc., as well as six bottles of bottled water in each room. She didn't want to drink out of the plastic bottle. I pulled a glass out of the cabinet and offered it to her...No, that’s too big...how about this little one...no, she wanted a plastic cup...I offered the only plastic cup I had...too big - she wanted a small plastic cup, stating that they don't use glass on their boat...I explained to Goldilocks that we don’t have plastic drinkware except for this one cup. She said, "Well, I’ll just use the plastic cup I brought with me, then."
We are an upscale facility - we use fine china and linens at every seating, and we serve champagne at breakfast for those who want it. We just don't have plastic, except for the one cup I offered her, and the cat's cup (which I didn't offer her; yes, he drinks out of a cup rather than a bowl...something he started on a previous boat). I was quickly thinking, "What have I gotten myself into!!!"
Looking back, most of the comments, while annoying at the time, were helpful eventually. We have a better channel line up with Direct TV (including Fox News); I fired my air conditioning tech and do the work myself now; I made the toilet water level consistent regardless of whether guests flushed long enough by running a longer hose up above the water line and back down again; I rebuilt the pilothouse doors so that they slide like melted butter now. Sorry, but the glass door will remain clean and as long as the yacht floats, she will gently move beneath you, and we still drink out of GLASSware.
Now, after all those complaints, she said this was the best stay in Miami they’ve ever had and wanted to reserve their room for the same week the following February. I will be delighted to have them back, but I don’t book that far out - I wait until after hurricane season to make sure we still have something to book. Confession...I’ll probably buy her a small plastic cup before their next arrival...just for her and have it waiting in her room for her.