Analytics can track outgoing links. You just need to set an extra bit of code up on the outgoing link.
OK, that is NOT the same code I installed eons ago.
I have this and this isn't tracking:
yes, it will show that there are outgoing clicks to 'dining' but not
which link on my page got clicked. Does that make sense? So, are you
saying that if I use the 'page tracker' code it will show on the
overlay which link got clicked? I want it to show up on the overlay.
Oh that's an easy one. I do that all the time. Lets say you have two different links..both leading to the same place (your reservation system) but one is "book now" and the other is "reservation"
on the book now link put onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/booknow');"
and on the reservation link put
onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/reservation');"
Analytics doesn't care..or even know that both links are going to the same place. It just records the click associated with the fake path you tell it.
(again adjust these for whatever version of analytics you are using.)
After this is all set up, make two goals, one for /outgoing/reservation and one for /outgoing/booknow
So I can keep what I've got for code and just add those bits of code. But, to get them to show up on the overlay will require changing to the new code?
Bree said:
So I can keep what I've got for code and just add those bits of code.
Errr...only because I am not sure what that means, I am going to answer "maybe"
But, to get them to show up on the overlay will require changing to the new code?
When you have it tracking properly, the overlay will show it correctly regardless of which version of the code you are using. The only requirement is that the version of the outbound link code and the version of the analytics script have to match.
I really should not take NyQuil and then sit here typing...
What I have now is the old code for my outgoing links, the one that has 'UrchinTracker' in it, not the 'page tracker' that is on the help page you linked to. The Urchin is compatible with what I have for the GA script at the bottom of my page. However, that doesn't show on the overlay as everything is set up now. It does show me in the reports that those links were clicked. ie- the 'outgoing_dining' will show that someone clicked that link x number of times, but the link itself does not show on the overlay.
My confusion lies in that fact. The code is compatible as set up years ago. I'm thinking I have to change to the new code altogether.
Soooo, can I have 2 different codes running on different pages and not blow the whole GA reporting up? ie- I change out all my upper level pages and leave all the lower level pages as is. Will GA still report on all of the pages, some of the pages, none of the pages?