Grandkids Christmas Feedback

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May 22, 2008
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Most of you know I knitted things - mostly hats - for my 8 grandkids for Christmas. The reviews are n - they all liked them. I am told the 14 year old is chompping at the bit to wear her leg warmers in her school colors. Her 4 year old sister was the recipient of the first one I made.
My daughter told me that she insists on Grace wearing a hat. The one she had that came down over her ears folded her ears over and Grace objected to that. Afte putting on her hat, Grace said, "I look like a cupcake. And it does not hurt my ears!" This is her hat:
That is SOOOO cute!!!! Do you make boys hats too?.
Yes, their hats have pockets in them - just different colors. Put $1 in the pocket of each of the younger boys. The Navy guy got his in Sept when he was here before going to Afghanistan and nothing in that pocket (I spent everything I had while he was here picking up the tab for everything) but his brother the student teacher found $20 in his pocket. Each of the girls got a different hat - the teenageer got wristlets and leg warmers.