Has anyone Heard of the Tra ns-Sib eri an Or ch estra

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May 22, 2008
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I was given permission to blog about him and his lady said I can blog about her - I will not connect them when I do have time to do it though.
He is a guitarist with the above mentioned music organization - my sister described them the best I have heard - Mann heim Ste amr oller on steroids! She is a 4-time National Grand Champion in Walking Horse competition and highest adult points in 2007! Now I have had my celebrity! Oh, they were here 3-times in the last month. The pumpkin he carved is on my porch!
Heard of them.....never saw them.....they come to my area a couple times a year to various venues. Apparently they sell tickets to keep coming back
I saw them years ago. Not like any orchestra you're imagining. Very hard rock and LOUD. Not what I expected to see at Christmas time. That being said, they are fantastic musicians and very energetic. Definitely won't put you to sleep. I'm glad I saw them once but I would not pay to see them again.
My brother loves them so much that he is still planning on going with his ex-wife in December cos they got the tickets way b4 splitting up and neither one of them wants to give up their ticket! I think they see them every time they come to their area!
Love, Love them! Jon introduced me to their Christmas music when we met and we've been meaning to go see them for some time now, maybe this herenwe will go.
How great! Did you get any tickets? They usually play in WV-its one of their first stops along their route-