I hate Microsoft downloads

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Walked away from the computer and MS did a download. Computer sat for who knows how long *trying* to shutdown automatically. When it finally restarted, my desktop and screensaver settings were all changed. Went to fix them and voila! my aquarium screen saver isn't even listed in the options anymore. So, all of my fish that I've been *caring* for for years are gone.
Think of them like a shot from the doctor, better safe than sorry. That doesn't help does it?.
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
Think of them like a shot from the doctor, better safe than sorry. That doesn't help does it?
Everytime I get a download I have to reset my desktop settings. This is the first time it has totally erased everything that is not expressly MS-based. I didn't add this screensaver from another location, it was on the computer when I got it. I don't appreciate MS ERASING my files because they are not MS-based files.
No, it didn't help...I miss my fish. It was such a relaxing screensaver...everyone loved it. The grandkids used to just sit and watch the fish swimming around. I guess I can BUY a screensaver package.
I am sorry Microsoft was hungry and ate your fish. It was not nice of them.
Well, an extensive search online found my fish tank. It is sold by a company called prolific.com (which was always faintly visible in the corner of the fishtank, of course who really sees what they look at everyday?) I can buy my fish back for $19.95. (And MY fish are in the list...Ginger, Algernon, Halley and the crew. No, no fish called Wanda.)
They are simple goldfish and I miss them.
Well, an extensive search online found my fish tank. It is sold by a company called prolific.com (which was always faintly visible in the corner of the fishtank, of course who really sees what they look at everyday?) I can buy my fish back for $19.95. (And MY fish are in the list...Ginger, Algernon, Halley and the crew. No, no fish called Wanda.)
They are simple goldfish and I miss them..
i have set my computer so that i have to approve downloads before they happen - because i don't appreciate having my computer rebooted when it automatically downloads updates
one of my friends has crawler 3d aquarium screensaver on her desktop. you might like it.
Well, an extensive search online found my fish tank. It is sold by a company called prolific.com (which was always faintly visible in the corner of the fishtank, of course who really sees what they look at everyday?) I can buy my fish back for $19.95. (And MY fish are in the list...Ginger, Algernon, Halley and the crew. No, no fish called Wanda.)
They are simple goldfish and I miss them..
i have set my computer so that i have to approve downloads before they happen - because i don't appreciate having my computer rebooted when it automatically downloads updates
one of my friends has crawler 3d aquarium screensaver on her desktop. you might like it.
seashanty said:
i have set my computer so that i have to approve downloads before they happen - because i don't appreciate having my computer rebooted when it automatically downloads updates
one of my friends has crawler 3d aquarium screensaver on her desktop. you might like it.
I don't know if I would have known it was going to wipe out all of my desktop themes, tho, even if I approved it. BUT, that's a good idea to set it so I have to let it download. It did a download yesterday and the same thing ahppened...computer just sat there saying it was trying to shut down.
this does not happen to me when i get updates. have you had any chance (time is obviously at a premium) to contact ms and ask what the heck is going on?
didn't you mention this happened to you before?
to research microsoft help
this does not happen to me when i get updates. have you had any chance (time is obviously at a premium) to contact ms and ask what the heck is going on?
didn't you mention this happened to you before?
to research microsoft help.
seashanty said:
this does not happen to me when i get updates. have you had any chance (time is obviously at a premium) to contact ms and ask what the heck is going on?
didn't you mention this happened to you before?
to research microsoft help
As much as they annoy me when the downloads change my settings, I'm not paying them in order to find out why. I may use the online tech help to see if anyone else has complained about this.
i was thinking of free help, not paid. what version are you running?