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May 22, 2008
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We did the second performance of our Christmas concert at a church in Morgantown tonight. We were awesome!! Picture a stage with about 70 musicians - 3 tubas, 3 Euphoniums, 15 trumpets, 14 trombones, 1 bass clarinet, 10 clarinets, 1 french horn, 1 E-flat horn, 1 tenor sax, 8 alto sax, 1 bari sax, 6 flutes, plus percussion (bass drum, bells, snares, timpani, marimba, etc) - we actually had MORE last week! The members of this band range in age from 11 & 12 up to older than me even!
What was really awesome was the family of our band member who got us playing at this church in the first place, presented his tuba that was so precious to him that he always wore white gloves so he would not get fingerprints on it to the Community Band. When Gary died in 2006 they held his wake at the church. As you came in they had a painting of the LIFE magazine cover of Gary being pulled out of the Farmington #9 mine (he was the last man out alive) disaster in 1968 in the lobby, the Community Band CD playing, his Army uniform, rifle, and helmet at one end of the casket, and his tuba at the other. It was a very moving presentation tonight.
any video you can upload? would love to see a couple minutes of it!
any video you can upload? would love to see a couple minutes of it!.
In 2008 we had so much ice on the roads, the parade was cancelled. They were going to cancel the concert too but half the band and a lot of people were alreadt ther. So the band played on. This is from that concert, Not our best perfornance but..... Note: at about 2:05 you see a dark-haied girl plying trumprt (behind a white-haired clarinet player), her name is Bree and she is blind. Almost at the very end you will see yours truly in front of the percussion section.
Forgot to add, this year we had about 70 musicians.
If that tune doesnt get you in the Christmas mood, nothing will...Great video. Also like the Shinngston Town video that had your B&B in it......Mary in Bridgewater..
Thank you. I like that one too. It showed we had everything - culture (museum), recreation (rail-trail & park w/pool), history (log house), and the spiritual (only Chapel of Perpetual Adoration in the State - 24/7) and of course the best B & B in town!
Since we did that video, the Park now has a walking trail and bocce courts with horseshoe pits and band shell in planning and an activities park downtown with basketball court by the Little Leage field and more horseshoe pits planned there. Seniors apt complex is going up in the Spring.
Very cool!
Ours was last weekend... smaller orchestra, but a big choir behind us.
Very cool!
Ours was last weekend... smaller orchestra, but a big choir behind us.
The Baptist Church in Lumberport did that last year but decided to do something different this year. One song that was fun to play was No Time to Diet and Felice Navidad is horrible to ply - great to listen to but horrible for this muscian!
as long as we're sharing, this is my newest favorite ... i can't find a video of the actual singers of this particular recording. the video is nothing special, i just let those sweet voices wash over me. pachelbel's canon in d with christmas lyrics. like i've never heard canon in d before. 'christmas canon'
and also this one
sting ... gabriel's message