Let's just say...give a choice....the best option would be to have your own private owners quarters. We all realize that sometimes that just doesn't happen and some folks like yourself don't mind it. For me personally, it was the most important thing on our "MUST HAVE" list when searching for a B & B to purchase..
catlady said:
Let's just say...give a choice....the best option would be to have your own private owners quarters. We all realize that sometimes that just doesn't happen and some folks like yourself don't mind it. For me personally, it was the most important thing on our "MUST HAVE" list when searching for a B & B to purchase.
We looked at a lot of B&B's where the "innkeepers' qtrs" were in the basement, the attic (and by 'attic' I mean unfinished, ditto all the basements we saw) and in one, the laundry room! (Yes, the innkeeper had washers, dryers and all the linens in her bedroom, the only room she had of 'her own.')
I realized this would never work for me as we were looking at 7+ room properties and it was necessary to be able to separate ourselves from the guests, if for no other purpose than to argue! We have our bedroom too close to the guests, tho, and we find ourselves tiptoeing around in the early morning so as not to wake anyone. But the rest of our space is away from the guests so if we have friends and family over we're not disturbing the guests on vacation.
I am also a person who requires space. I need to be able to get away from Gomez to do my own thing. This space we have, altho much larger than a lot of places we looked at, is still 1/3 of the size of the house we moved out of.
I saw an article on a couple who live in the smallest apt in NYC...170 sq ft. Yup, 170! And they have 2 cats. No way I could live like that, even if I lived by myself.