Lanier discounted directory fee

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Just got an email with a renewal rate that is $135 (vs the $159 it usually is). Basically saying that 'times are tough for innkeepers' budgets, we want you back, here's an incentive.'
Wow, I wonder how they can do that, but another major directory can't? Hmmmm....
Maybe Lanier doesn't offer the same services. I noticed in my area none of the b & b's are listed anymore. They just let all the subscriptions expire.
There is one directory - can't remember now, that had a discount price (about $20 off) for renewals after the 1st year, it could have been Lanier and that they are bringing it back. Not a bad incentive to keep loyal clients. Just like when B&B's give loyal guests a discount for coming back.
Maybe Lanier doesn't offer the same services. I noticed in my area none of the b & b's are listed anymore. They just let all the subscriptions expire..
I just did a check for my area. Lanier is the #1 slot after Google local. So they've done something in marketing for this area. And I'm one of the 'missing' B&B's.
There is one directory - can't remember now, that had a discount price (about $20 off) for renewals after the 1st year, it could have been Lanier and that they are bringing it back. Not a bad incentive to keep loyal clients. Just like when B&B's give loyal guests a discount for coming back..
I think bnbfinder does that.
LanierBB brought me no bookings, altho I liked the directory fine enough. The directory, not the selling of furniture and other addtl irritations she pawns onto innkeepers. I let mine lapse this year after 2 years with it.
There is one directory - can't remember now, that had a discount price (about $20 off) for renewals after the 1st year, it could have been Lanier and that they are bringing it back. Not a bad incentive to keep loyal clients. Just like when B&B's give loyal guests a discount for coming back..
bbonline discounts their rate after the first year.
There is one directory - can't remember now, that had a discount price (about $20 off) for renewals after the 1st year, it could have been Lanier and that they are bringing it back. Not a bad incentive to keep loyal clients. Just like when B&B's give loyal guests a discount for coming back..
bbonline discounts their rate after the first year.
swirt said:
bbonline discounts their rate after the first year.
Oops. Thought it was the other guys.
There is one directory - can't remember now, that had a discount price (about $20 off) for renewals after the 1st year, it could have been Lanier and that they are bringing it back. Not a bad incentive to keep loyal clients. Just like when B&B's give loyal guests a discount for coming back..
bbonline discounts their rate after the first year.
swirt said:
bbonline discounts their rate after the first year.
Oops. Thought it was the other guys.
It might be them too...not sure.
She does not show on the first page under searches for Charlottesville Bed and Breakfast either way, and only now is starting to show at the bottom of the first page for Charlottesville B&B so she is not worth it to me.