Little things

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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I just put out all new coasters in the guest rooms and living room. Dopey little thing, but now all the coasters are clean and fresh and they match the colors of the rooms. Anyone have a cleaning idea for the 'coasterstone' style coasters? It seems that once coffee, wine or cola is spilled on them, they're toast.
I don't know have an answer for you re the coasterstones, but I also replaced the guest room coasters a few months ago and liked the small-but-nice difference. Same with replacing all the rubber drain plugs in bathtubs/sinks with nice bright new ones.
I would think a little soak in hydrogen peroxide in some hot water would probably do the trick.... though it might separate the cork backing off if yours have that. Perhaps a bit of work with a scrub brush.
I have enough of them that I can try all the 'solutions' (pun intended) that everyone comes up with.
I have enough of them that I can try all the 'solutions' (pun intended) that everyone comes up with..
If none of those work you could always soak them overnight in a mixture of coffee, wine, and soda so they all become the same color ;)
A dilute bleach solution works wonders ...... BUT, let me tell you first how I screwed up, so you won't do the same. I neglected to take into account that "coasterstone" holds liquids really well (as it's designed to - DUH) and when I thought they were completely absolutely totally dry I put them onto a wing-back chair while I lemon-polished the table. When I picked them up I had lovely coaster shaped marks on my upholstery
That is a GREAT little touch that I do think people notice....especially if they are "good" guests and actually use coasters. lol!
I would go with the weak bleach or hydrogen peroxide solution and see if that does the trick. Oh, or maybe a paste of baking soda? To see if it absorbs the stains since those things are porous. I have those coasters too but have been lucky that they just get water rings from sweating water bottles or glasses here.
That is a GREAT little touch that I do think people notice....especially if they are "good" guests and actually use coasters. lol!
I would go with the weak bleach or hydrogen peroxide solution and see if that does the trick. Oh, or maybe a paste of baking soda? To see if it absorbs the stains since those things are porous. I have those coasters too but have been lucky that they just get water rings from sweating water bottles or glasses here..
Samster said:
That is a GREAT little touch that I do think people notice....especially if they are "good" guests and actually use coasters. lol!
I would go with the weak bleach or hydrogen peroxide solution and see if that does the trick. Oh, or maybe a paste of baking soda? To see if it absorbs the stains since those things are porous. I have those coasters too but have been lucky that they just get water rings from sweating water bottles or glasses here.
Oh no, the sweating glasses and bottles are left directly on the window sills (another project I have to get to before it gets busy- painting a deep window ledge that has been used as a 'fridge' for ice and drinks- ugh) or else on the furniture. I'm guessing these are the same guests who won't put a wet spoon down on the formica counter or heavily poly'd dining room tables and need to take a dozen napkins for the purpose.

I guess living in a hot clime has it's advantages. If you put your iced tea on the window sill here, there's a good possibility it will become hot tea :)

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