Mid-Atlantic - Dinner Sunday Night???

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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Another Innmate and I will be at Mid-Atlantic Sunday only. We thought it would be nice if the Innmates present would have dinner together. Neither of us know the area swo there are 2 questions.
#1 - is there somewhere other than the hotel to have a nice dinner together that would be easy to get to/from?
#2 - would having dinner at the hotel be better (no problem for us either way)
OK 3 questions -
#3- we will need to make reservations so need a headcount
Count = 2...
Are you staying overnight at the hotel on Sunday? There is no where near the hotel to eat. You would have to drive at least a half hour maybe to Lexington. I say you plan to eat at the hotel. Enjoy.
Are you staying overnight at the hotel on Sunday? There is no where near the hotel to eat. You would have to drive at least a half hour maybe to Lexington. I say you plan to eat at the hotel. Enjoy..
Yes, we are staying at the hotel.
Head count = ?
Last time I was there I ate at a deli just outside the hotel and there were about 3 or 4 more places to eat.Any how I'll see you all Jan 10. Shall we all wear our shirts backward, shoes on the wrong feet or what ? Then we will know were Innspring mates ?....Mary in Bridgewater
Last time I was there I ate at a deli just outside the hotel and there were about 3 or 4 more places to eat.Any how I'll see you all Jan 10. Shall we all wear our shirts backward, shoes on the wrong feet or what ? Then we will know were Innspring mates ?....Mary in Bridgewater.
OOps...guess there must be some there now. Haven't been in ages!!!! Sorry. HEre's a link...wasn't sure how far the town is from the hotel.
Last time I was there I ate at a deli just outside the hotel and there were about 3 or 4 more places to eat.Any how I'll see you all Jan 10. Shall we all wear our shirts backward, shoes on the wrong feet or what ? Then we will know were Innspring mates ?....Mary in Bridgewater.
Wear doilies. :)
Well... I live in Amish/Mennonite country but am not one(they were them on there heads)...so I could wear two (one on each shoulder) as I'am an old former wife of a naval officer(scrambled egg look)Then I would stand out or wear a coded sign like GNIRIPSNNI....
Mary in Bridgewater
Last time I was there I ate at a deli just outside the hotel and there were about 3 or 4 more places to eat.Any how I'll see you all Jan 10. Shall we all wear our shirts backward, shoes on the wrong feet or what ? Then we will know were Innspring mates ?....Mary in Bridgewater.
Wear doilies. :)
Well... I live in Amish/Mennonite country but am not one(they were them on there heads)...so I could wear two (one on each shoulder) as I'am an old former wife of a naval officer(scrambled egg look)Then I would stand out or wear a coded sign like GNIRIPSNNI....
Mary in Bridgewater
Do you suspect many Mennonites at the MidAtlantic Innkeepers conference? Haha Just a handful - they would be the innmates. LOL!
If I know how many to make reservations for we could just show up at whatever restaurant. The doilies is an excellent idea. They have paper doilies at the Family Dollar - a doily and a bobbie pin and we are wearing out name tags!!
If I know how many to make reservations for we could just show up at whatever restaurant. The doilies is an excellent idea. They have paper doilies at the Family Dollar - a doily and a bobbie pin and we are wearing out name tags!!.
O.K. don't laugh...I'am wearing a paper doily with Innspiring written on it and yes there is one Mennenite couple that ownes a B&B about 1/2 hours south and west of me but not a member here....I drive a white truck with my logo on it plus have shirts with the same....+ my doily...Hope we can find one another ? Lobby before dinner ? Would be great to eat a meal together, exchange ideas, laugh etc.Mary at Bridgewater Inn&Cottage
If I know how many to make reservations for we could just show up at whatever restaurant. The doilies is an excellent idea. They have paper doilies at the Family Dollar - a doily and a bobbie pin and we are wearing out name tags!!.
O.K. don't laugh...I'am wearing a paper doily with Innspiring written on it and yes there is one Mennenite couple that ownes a B&B about 1/2 hours south and west of me but not a member here....I drive a white truck with my logo on it plus have shirts with the same....+ my doily...Hope we can find one another ? Lobby before dinner ? Would be great to eat a meal together, exchange ideas, laugh etc.Mary at Bridgewater Inn&Cottage
Shhh! Don't tell the rest of them there...let them think doilies are in fashion now. :)
If I know how many to make reservations for we could just show up at whatever restaurant. The doilies is an excellent idea. They have paper doilies at the Family Dollar - a doily and a bobbie pin and we are wearing out name tags!!.
O.K. don't laugh...I'am wearing a paper doily with Innspiring written on it and yes there is one Mennenite couple that ownes a B&B about 1/2 hours south and west of me but not a member here....I drive a white truck with my logo on it plus have shirts with the same....+ my doily...Hope we can find one another ? Lobby before dinner ? Would be great to eat a meal together, exchange ideas, laugh etc.Mary at Bridgewater Inn&Cottage
I love it! Lobby at 6?
Oh please, please someone take a pic of the group wearing the doilies, you don't even need to show faces! That is hilarious.
If I know how many to make reservations for we could just show up at whatever restaurant. The doilies is an excellent idea. They have paper doilies at the Family Dollar - a doily and a bobbie pin and we are wearing out name tags!!.
O.K. don't laugh...I'am wearing a paper doily with Innspiring written on it and yes there is one Mennenite couple that ownes a B&B about 1/2 hours south and west of me but not a member here....I drive a white truck with my logo on it plus have shirts with the same....+ my doily...Hope we can find one another ? Lobby before dinner ? Would be great to eat a meal together, exchange ideas, laugh etc.Mary at Bridgewater Inn&Cottage
I love it! Lobby at 6?
OK main lobby at 6pm....weather prediction is snow at Warm Springs area Jan 9 & 12 (todays weather map)...Snow here last night in Bridgewater... Mary in Bridgewater