Nesting birds

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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We have a pair of very determined robins here. They have built their nest on our deck's bottom railing. We have a crate that holds the propane tank for the grill and it is pushed up against the side of the deck. There is a lattice 'screen' around the perimeter of the deck. It's a perfect location. They fly in and out of the lattice and have built that nest 5 times already. Hubs just went out and removed it again. But this time he was spotted. Those robins are now sitting in the tree over the deck screaming at him. Both of them. I told him it won't be safe for him to be seen on the deck anytime soon.
We fight that same fight every year. The little wrens love to make a nest in any garland I have over the front door. So this year none until nesting season was over and now just something minimal. I also have stuffed animals on top of the pillars of my porch to prevent them from nesting there. We remove nests from there constantly. One brave one actually tried building a nest behind the stuffed animal:)
Get a cat! Mine prowls about and scares most away.
We fight that same fight every year. The little wrens love to make a nest in any garland I have over the front door. So this year none until nesting season was over and now just something minimal. I also have stuffed animals on top of the pillars of my porch to prevent them from nesting there. We remove nests from there constantly. One brave one actually tried building a nest behind the stuffed animal:)
Get a cat! Mine prowls about and scares most away..
catlady said:
Get a cat! Mine prowls about and scares most away.
OK, that seems like an excessive solution to a 2 week problem!
I could just leave the dog on the deck but she doesn't like to be alone.
We have three momma Robins currently nesting, all luckily in convenient spots. A fourth put her nest too low in the rhododenron and something stole her eggs, poor little thing.
We also have barn swallows here, and every year momma tries making her nest above her porch light...they make a MUD nest so I will NOT let her win...after a day or so with the hose she usually gives up and finds a better spot. They are very fun to watch, once they find a good spot.
wind chimes and shiny things hanging near where they want to be.
birds instinctively return to old nesting sites appparently.
would it be so awful to have them there? not being able to see the location, i don't know.
wind chimes and shiny things hanging near where they want to be.
birds instinctively return to old nesting sites appparently.
would it be so awful to have them there? not being able to see the location, i don't know..
It's a tiny deck and if they nest we can't move the grill out to bbq. Last year they built UNDER the same deck, which we didn't notice right away. They laid the eggs and after that we were bbq'ing all the time. They abandoned the nest. So, it's better for them to go somewhere else to start.
One year they started the nest on top of my watering can, which was hanging from a peg under the deck! They seem to love that lattice work. Even tho it is open all around, for some reason they think if the gaps are only big enough for them to get thru, nothing will get them from the top, bottom, open side!
It's been a few hours, I'm going to go look again...
we have birds that like to nest behind a speaker on the deck... it wouldn't be bad except they like to sit on the porch swing right below and pooh, so the nesting material is removes asap. I think our solution would be a wad of chicken wire shoved behind the speaker
I feel your pain. I've knocked a well developed nest out of our boat lift 3 times in the past week. The cow birds are relentless. They build right in the chain, which means we can't move the boat once they are settled.
The barn swallows build a nest under our dock every year, they are fun to watch and listen too so we leave the nest alone. It is amazing to me that a swallow chick can take to flight the first time and get flying in the 2ft gap between the under side of the dock and the surface of the water.
We have a blue spruce that is so tall it scares me. It is way taller than our 2-story house. DH loves it! It is home to I do not know HOW MANY birds including 2 pair of mourning doves. It is a dirty tree and if it ever goes over - either my house is history or there will be no power, phones, or cable in the town for a while!
Within 2 weeks of DH's departure from this Earth, IF I have the money to do it, that tree is history! We can use it for his pyre!
We have bird houses attached to our like a charm! They're safe and we like to watch them.
We have a nesting pair of fly catchers that have built a nest over the solar shade over our dining room window. We're waiting for the babies to fledge so we can get rid of the nest. On the bright side our guest get a floor show during breakfast.
Lately, our biggest threat lately has been from a family of racoons! They keep tearing up the flower beds and bird feeders around our guest cottages. I swear I trap one of those little suckers a least daily.
Well, momma robin's persistence paid off! I am trying to get a pic thru the living room window but the angle is tough, if I get one I will post it.
She found a great spot for her nest along the elbow joint in the downspouting, just above a rarely used bedroom window. Luckily the bay window in our living room (which you'll recall from my recent posts, the one that people like to press their noses against!) is in front of the I have a front-row seat at feeding times...which is constant, the poor little thing! Pappa is helping as well...their very own b&b!