New York Times - Dateline: Shinnston, WV

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Staff member
May 22, 2008
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This was in the NY Times this morning in the Food section. The Judge called me from Chicago this morning to tell me.
My Verizon Internet went kablooie Monday - the whole town - and now they tell me it is up but i need a new modem (after they told me to reset). I have a feeling it is going to cost me because I bet it is something to do with the Verizon Internet and my WiFi......... Am at Library now. Got a Webervations last night - I know because she called to verify the room!!! Thanks Verizon!
AH...such fond memories....pepperoni rolls!!!! Love 'em but not for the diet right now.
You people and your excellent Italian food...makes me want to cry!
Nice article...
Sure hope you get your internet back soon. All the companies have problems or gimics, what happened to customer service!
I was talking at dinner about your Italian heritage there and how all we got were the Scots Irish and whiskey! Would much rather have some great food!
I was talking at dinner about your Italian heritage there and how all we got were the Scots Irish and whiskey! Would much rather have some great food!.
We had plenty of "Shine" here too! Would like to be able to get something OTHER than Itallian!
Re Internet - still waiting for the Modem. 2 rooms due in and both probably expecting WiFi!!!