I've just begun my insanity... this was my first weekend of full house Friday (4 rooms), three rooms Saturday, one today. Yesterday I was pretty close to exhausted. I was going to start a post about this wonderful 5 to 9 job but I was too tired (and didn't have time).
I got up before 5 to start breakfast for the horse lady, and met a same day reservation who checked in at 9:10 p.m. THEN we went out for dinner because dh wanted to go out (and the kids had had a nap, and I needed more strawberries, so why not?) 'Why not' is because I went to bed at 10:30 and I was whupped.
I think I'll be fine working through until August when I have my first break, but yesterday reminded me that not only do the kids and the business need me, dh wants some of me, too. He has been fabulous about working his 48 hours and then coming home and helping to flip rooms. (His specialty is my dreaded job, the floors.)
Today was nice, though. We only had one check-in, and everyone was done with breakfast by 9. So we went to Sunday School then let the kids play in the play area, then wonderful dh gave me "cherry therapy!" That is, he flipped the one room that was checking in while I went out on the roof and picked cherries from the neighbor's cherry tree that were growing over the fence. Mid-70's, low humidity, lovely breeze, childhood memories of our cherry tree in our back yard.... ahhhhhhh. And dh did a great job on the room and off we went to lunch... at the grocery store with the staffed children's play area so we could sit and chat while the ds4x2 were in kid heaven. Ahhhhhh. Then we came home and the boys and I took a nap. Ahhhhh. At least, I napped until a reservation called, which was fine, I had a break. Now I'm on the patio, on the forum, kids still asleep, dh here reading a book as he puffs on a homegrown, home-rolled cigar which he's stuffed into a Sherlock Holmes style pipe. Ahhhhh.
So, I can see the value in taking Sunday nights off, but being new I just can't do it in peak season. I'm just going to have to do my best to at least clear out Sunday afternoons, because this has been just what I needed. Tomorrow I can finish the flips.
And, as Bree said, who said I was sane to begin with? I just keep reminding myself, "work is good for me, work is good for me, work is good for me."